Has anyone heard of xocai the healthy chocolate
Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself
This chocolate has a high level of antixodents in it. It is extremely healthy for you. Yeah I know all chocolate is but what most people do not know is when you process chocolate, they do it through hot compresses and that takes most of the nutritional value out of it. So you are getting some value but not what you could be getting. This chocolate is cold pressed unproccesed and in is naturalest form possible. Then they add acai berries and blue berries making this chocolate an antixodent super treat. With orac values that are extremly high. It is very healty for you; I myself consume it daily and have noticed alot of changes in my health and I am very glad i replaced my unhealth chocolate with these
updated by @Melissa Beaver: 04/16/15 09:52:05