Forum Activity for @Beth Husband

Beth Husband
@Beth Husband
08/27/11 21:12:32
1 posts

Considering Making the Big Leap, with Extreme Butterflies!

Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself


I've been a member for some time, but asmore of an observer than participant. As I'm considering jumping into the deep end of chocolate pool, I think it's time to introduce myself andstart participating.

I am the owner of Whimzy Chocolates, which I operated for several yearsout ofkitchen incubator inthe suburbs of Houston, TX. I sold primarily atweekend arts and craft markets and through special orders. My productslineis largely made up of what I call "familu favorites", caramel pecan clusters,caramel apples, various barks, lots of chocolatecovered tasties,andhand rolled truffles. I managedto develop somewhat of afollowing andfrequent sold out of productsbeforethe end of an event.

Unfortunately, justaftermy husband and I made the decision to relocate out of state, I recieved three different requests to wholesale, one of which was from a major national department store.

It's a yearlater, I'mhappily settledjustoutside ofNashville, TN and the chocolates arecalling me. I am strongly considering resurrecting the business, but on a larger scale, withthe goal ofrenting a location and building outmy owncommercial kitchen.My initial targeted market would bea few coveted wholesale accounts, special event orders, andthe weekend markets, with aneventual growth to a retail chocolateboutique.

I welcome any words of wisdom or caution, and would love the input of those who have gone down this road before me. I'm in the processing ofidentifying the costs involved andmy questionof the moment is"what do I need, that I don't know I need?"

My primary big piece of specialized equipment has always been the tempering machines. Is there another, chocolate specific piece of equipment that has improved your production time and makes life easier?



updated by @Beth Husband: 04/10/15 08:22:41