Forum Activity for @Andrew Chin

Andrew Chin
@Andrew Chin
05/18/16 10:15:41
3 posts

Artist to Chocolate Artisan, Moving to Seattle!

Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hello @honmeid,

Good for you!  I'm glad you made it and found employment.  I'm in the Ecole Chocolat program right now for making bean-to-bar chocolate, so I might look for a job at one of the bean-to-bar chocolate companies in the Seattle area after graduation.

I hope all goes well at Theo!

Andrew Chin
@Andrew Chin
01/16/16 13:25:21
3 posts

Artist to Chocolate Artisan, Moving to Seattle!

Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hello @honmeid,

Welcome to Seattle (when you arrive, that is)!  I don't know of any jobs, but here's a list of bean-to-bar companies in the Seattle area:

Of course, you have likely already heard of chocolatiers like Fran's.  I'm not as familiar with the confectionaries, but you might want to look at Fran's, Oh Chocolate!, Hotcakes, and Intrigue Chocolate.  Aaron Barthel at Intrigue is very highly regarded.

Good luck!


