chocolatier who surfs
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Travels & Adventures
Looking for an Artisan Chocolate maker to help us manufacture chocolateby hand from the bean with all local ingredients here in the Dominican Republic. We have an organicfarm that supplies a restaurant in our small beach front surf hotel,and internal demand through the current customer base as a start.
A lot of the infrastructure is already in place through our other activitiesincluding a retail location and a commercial kitchen, and marketing caneasily be handled in house. I've taken a few chocolate courses, butwould benefit from someone with more experience who can manageproduction.
Our location in a Caribbean surf town provides a fantastic life for someone whoappreciates quality of life and surfing. The person can earnadditional salary for down here if they manage the kitchen in therestaurant in addition to manufacture chocolate- it kind of works welltogether. The pay is relative to the cost of living down here though, just to keep things in perspective.
This could either be a full time position or contract for someonelooking for a working vacation to help us get through a stage. Spanishlanguage and understanding of the Caribbean way would be an asset.
I've been reading the forums and using this site for a while, but thisis my first time posting. Just thought I would throw it out there. You can PM me if you're interested.
Thanks in advance~
updated by @Robert3: 08/08/15 14:00:04