Where does Sephra Chocolate come from?
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Tasting Notes
Amber, I have appreciated your post regarding "Where does Sephra Chocolate come from?" Also, Brad is right about our manufacturer, it is Callebaut. However, our recipe isproprietaryso you will only find it being distributed through Sehpra or an authorized dealer. We don't tout this nearly enough, but Sephra was the first company to ever develop a fountain ready chocolate. Prior to 2003, when people wanted to use chocolate in a fountain they either added vegetable or canoil oil or added cocoa butter to yield the right consistency.
Ruth, thank you for taking a stab at what we would consider the big four Belgian Chocolate manufacturers. Since you took a shot at it I would love to send you 6lbs of Sephra's chocolate . Tell me what types of chocolate you would like to try, 3 bags makes up 6lbs and they can be different types, whatever you would like. I will also offer 4 lbs of Sephra's chocolate to everyone who commented on this post
If you commented prior to this post and would like 2 bags of Sephra's chocolate please send your contact information to marketing@sephra.com along with what two types of chocolate you would like and I will ship them out immediately free of charge. This offer is limited to US based addresses, no PO Boxes, sorry if you are out of the country
And if any of you would care to share your thoughts on our chocolate we would love to hear about it through The Chocolate Life.com ~ good or bad, we listen and always do our best to take care of everyone we do business with! Thanks Amber, keep up the great work :D
P.S. - Big Four Belgian Manufacturers: Schokinag/ADM, Belcolade, Callebaut, OCG... there are others, many of whom seem to be a close second, but those four are what we would consider some of the biggest in Belgium.
Enjoy your chocolate!
Braun Ehman