Forum Activity for @Mary Dickson

Mary Dickson
@Mary Dickson
12/09/11 10:07:12
3 posts

Research and Development

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Thanks. You just made a point I haven't fully considered.......''If you're not careful, not everything you do in the lab will translate into production if you use very different approaches''

If I use a ball mill as a refiner in the lab and 2and 5 roll refiners for mainstream production, can that turn out tohaveno correlation whatsoever if allI'm looking at is particle size and not impacton viscosity?

Also, right now I'm looking at more of a cocoamass to chocolate process line not bean to for now, roasting etc.. are not primary concerns. But is it possible to find say a 5Ib sample roaster?

Mary Dickson
@Mary Dickson
12/09/11 01:20:55
3 posts

Research and Development

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

I should have been more throughput should be about 20kg/batch( for batchwise machines) and 20kg/hr for continuous. The project now is strictly lab scale for development and testing of some products so nothing toolarge is needed.

Yes it will lead to and supportproduction on a much larger scale.


Mary Dickson
@Mary Dickson
12/08/11 08:34:50
3 posts

Research and Development

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Dear all

I'm new to this site so forgive me if I ask questions that have been repeatedly answered.

I am trying to compile an equipment list for a small chocolate R&D project. The target is to find laboratory scale equipment that are affordable but efficient and durable. Please suggest brands that meet the above mentioned criteria forlabscale refiners(ballor roll), conches, tempering machines(continuous or batch), mixers, heating cabinets, refrigerators etc.

Basically everything you need for an R&D lab.

Machinery capacity approximately 20kg

Thank you all.

updated by @Mary Dickson: 04/11/15 03:46:43