Forum Activity for @John DePaula

John DePaula
@John DePaula
12/03/08 11:29:23
45 posts

Cool Tool: Chocoflex Spherical Truffle Mold

Posted in: Geek Gear - Cool Tools (Read-Only)

That's very interesting. I wonder if the other shapes, e.g. squares, rectangles, come out of the mold as easily as the photos suggest. Sure can't do those truffles on a guitar, though. :-)Looks like a nice tool to have in the arsenal.
John DePaula
@John DePaula
01/29/09 09:05:44
45 posts

Where to Buy Tools for Working with Chocolate

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

If the order came to you incomplete, you should 'dispute the charge' on your credit card. If they don't get paid, they may take you more seriously.Also, consider contacting the Better Business Bureau to file a complaint.
John DePaula
@John DePaula
01/25/09 17:48:55
45 posts

Where to Buy Tools for Working with Chocolate

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

I really like my Raytek Mini-Temp Laser Thermometer . Just wish I'd bought one sooner. Saves me tons of time and it's very accurate.The only caveat, and it's a small one, is that it's not easy to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.