F/S - Chooclate World Molds - Iowa
Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted
54x CW1142, used, good condition $6.- each
61x CW1006 butterfly, new, never used because of tolerance issue's with our molding line. $6.- each
24x peacock mold, used, good condition. Italian origin (Cabrellon?) $6.- each
8x 10.5" bunny hollow figure, used, average condition (output 1 per mold) Perspex... NOT Polycarbonate, used. $12.- each
3x 5" bunny hollow figure (4 output per mold) Perspex... NOT Polycarbonate, used $12.- each
Buyer pays shipping, Minimum buy $100.- I will discount for the whole lot. Any questions, feel free to email me at erik@stamchocolate.com
updated by @Erik Stam: 06/29/23 16:49:02