Forum Activity for @Luisa Abram Chocolates

Andre Banks Rocha
@Andre Banks Rocha
09/20/17 15:44:21
6 posts

Help needed for a pest issue - 'warehouse moth'

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Ok, I bought a co2 canister and will gas the beans. We have the beans placed in plastic barrels. I manage to get 2 taps on top lid. I will stick a hose to the bottom of the barrel via one one the tap, open the 2nd one to let the air inside flow to the outside of the barrel while co2 flows through the hose in the other. The barrels have a capacity of 100 litres. Any suggestions on how long should I let the co2 flow to the barrel? Also, will the co2 also prevent molds?

Many thanks for such informative post! 

Andre Banks Rocha
@Andre Banks Rocha
01/21/16 08:46:35
6 posts

Where can I find a Guillotine?

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hello. Are you still looking at this thread? If so, how can I buy thi sguillotine?



Andre Banks Rocha
@Andre Banks Rocha
12/03/14 16:39:29
6 posts

After tempering

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Great Clay. Cheers!

Andre Banks Rocha
@Andre Banks Rocha
12/03/14 15:42:00
6 posts

After tempering

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Many thanks Clay.

It's been a hot summer over here in Sao Paulo and room temperatures frequently stay above 28C (82F), so I bought an air con to help temper my chocolate. After that, I put the the chocolate in a refrigerator to cool it down, but I'm not sure if this is the appropriate. I read in other posts that it ok as long as the chocolate does not stay long. Is that so? Or I should buy an equipment that does that and sets the temperature in the range you mentioned?


Andre Banks Rocha
@Andre Banks Rocha
12/03/14 03:52:56
6 posts

After tempering

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Dear All,After the chocolate is tempered and poured in the molds, what is the desirable temperature range to cool it??Many thanks,Andre
updated by @Andre Banks Rocha: 04/12/15 02:24:55
Andre Banks Rocha
@Andre Banks Rocha
10/06/14 10:23:29
6 posts

Can Anyone Suggest a Reliable Manufacturer of Polycarbonate Moulds in China?

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hello. Did you get any information on this topic??

