Jessica Conrad

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06/28/11 06:15:45 @nat:
Thanks, Jessica! Glad you liked our triple cacao bar so much. Did you get to try our other bars that Geert had?In the motherland of chocolate right now, traveling from Xoconusco, Chiapas to Oaxaca with 10 lbs of criollo royal beans to be turned into some limited edition bars.How's Belgium treating you?
Vercruysse Geert
06/16/11 09:10:47 @vercruysse-geert:

Sorry Jessica, I wrote it wrong, indeed its next weekend. OK, so if you (and someone else?), could be here around 1pm, I arrange some work to do, like a chocolatecake, are allow ;-) if you used them for your TCLpage.

Greetings Geert

Vercruysse Geert
06/16/11 00:56:06 @vercruysse-geert:

Hello Jessica, I saw you wanted to visit me this weekend, if you do so, please visit me on Saturday around 1pm, then I do have time and we could talk during a privat free workshop. If not possible to be there please contacted me, Geert