John Hurst

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Chocolate Energy Bar for Private Label Wanted

user image 2014-02-08
By: John Hurst
Posted in:

Searching for a Chocolate bar company to produce a 2.5-3.0 oz caffeine induced chocolate energy bar under our private label. Please contact John at or 616-430-2136


Clay Gordon
02/17/14 08:11:59 @clay:

John -

This post belongs in the Classifieds section. It's also really important to let people know where you are located (the US). If you were in the the UK or EU you'd want your production located there.

Daniel Herskovic
02/13/14 13:42:56 @daniel-herskovic:

Hi there. I just tried sending you a message, but my email account returned the message. I have a chocolate production facility and we might be able to be of service to you. Please feel free to email Daniel at . Here is a video of us in action Mayana Chocolate