I just brought over 5 tons of peruvian cacao. I would want to send it by air. Not sure what the weight limit maybe 1 ton. Possibly more, can you email your price per ton to info(at)holycacaochocolate.com
If the hybris are cincuenta yuna, we're not interested. We've had alto beni that were nice in the past. Could you send a sample?
03/15/11 06:24:15 @holycacao:
i'm also interested in bolivian cacao, what type do you have?
I just brought over 5 tons of peruvian cacao. I would want to send it by air. Not sure what the weight limit maybe 1 ton. Possibly more, can you email your price per ton to info(at)holycacaochocolate.com
If the hybris are cincuenta yuna, we're not interested. We've had alto beni that were nice in the past. Could you send a sample?
i'm also interested in bolivian cacao, what type do you have?