Kaydee Kreitlow

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Starting slowly - Picked up a free granite slab this morning!

user image 2013-03-30
By: Kaydee Kreitlow
Posted in:

I am interested in starting my own chocolate company. While I am getting the finances together and researching business requirements etc. I am teaching myself how to make chocolates moreprecisely(and more important, to get excellent results every time!)

I was looking online at marble slabs and I found one for about $50 with no guarantees for the piece arriving whole to my doorstep. Then I checked my local Home Depot and Lowe's and i couldn't buy a single tile 18" x 18" but I could buy a box of 5! Still spending more than I wanted to for a solid piece of stone. I called a couple local counter top shops and one was mad at me for even asking about small pieces of stone. The second one I called the guy was very friendly in telling me that they had many scraps by their dumpster that I could take for free! If I wanted it cut it would be $10 per cut. So this morning I drove out there and looked through the scrap piles and found this counter top scrap with the edge (which will keep the stone nicely in place on my own counter) and I am excited to try the tempering method on this granite slab (as well as making fondant!). 901949_592854140725810_436797061_o.jpg


05/30/13 05:28:19 @kiran:

wow kaydee.. nice job.. i am planning to start my own business here in India too... good luck to you on your venture.. lets keep sharing our experiences and learning?
