machinery liquor chocolate!

mariano garcia
03/31/16 18:31:23
61 posts

Hi all, I occupy a suggestion to you who know more chocolate!
I want to buy a machine to make chocolate liquor and was told that these are good:

- Olde Tyme Nut Grinder

- Coloindal mill JM-50

but which can not buy

any suggestions?

thank you very much to all!

Van Glass
04/01/16 12:04:02
4 posts

Hi Mariano,

Depends largely on the quantity of chocolate you are wanting to make.  For small scale batches (development) I've been using the Santha Spectra 11 melanger which works quite well.  When moving into production we are using the Santha 100.  I've heard that the Olde Tyme Nut Grinder can work well but I've never tried this before and I'm not sure this would give you the level of refinement you are looking for.   

mariano garcia
04/03/16 14:19:13
61 posts

hi thanks for your reply, but occupied a mélanger but a machine that makes me liquor and then use the Melanger
