Wonderful! I have not personally used them with an enrober, but a chocolatier, who worked in the same kitchen, did with success. He and his staff would use a fork to take the truffle off the enrober and place it on a parchment sheet, so it was by no means fully automated, but it worked beautifully.
If that sounds good, please let me know where I should send them, so I can calculate postage. Or if you are local, if you would prefer to pick them up. Please send your email address, so I can invoice you through PayPal if that's ok. I'll look after all of this in the morning .
Hi Nicole,
Are the truffle molds still available?
Thank you!
Yes, they are. How many would you like
All 7 please, out of curiosity, have you tried to run these truffles through an enrober to see how they would come out?
I'm a little concerned because they have the flat bottom.. and I've always hand rolled mine.. thoughts before I get them?
Thank you!
Wonderful! I have not personally used them with an enrober, but a chocolatier, who worked in the same kitchen, did with success. He and his staff would use a fork to take the truffle off the enrober and place it on a parchment sheet, so it was by no means fully automated, but it worked beautifully.
If that sounds good, please let me know where I should send them, so I can calculate postage. Or if you are local, if you would prefer to pick them up. Please send your email address, so I can invoice you through PayPal if that's ok. I'll look after all of this in the morning
Pastrypat@gmail.com is my email
Shipping to Ohio - 43240
Hi Nicole,
I am intereested in your guitar cutter/cart. what s the best way to get in touch with you?