Cocoatown Stone Re-grinding

Paul Picton
07/22/16 09:35:53
11 posts

Hello. After two years of constant use, the stones in my large cocoatown grinder is very smooth. The smooth seems to contribute to more roller sticking and less smoothness in the chocolate. Has anyone re-roughened the surface of these stones? Any thoughts, comments?

Ning-Geng Ong
10/03/16 19:32:18
36 posts

Hi Paul, did you find an answer to your question? I am interested in your discovery if it makes a difference or not, intuitively I would say the rollers need to be resurfaced to introduce some gripping texture but let me know what is the case for you. Appreciate it.

Paul Picton:

Hello. After two years of constant use, the stones in my large cocoatown grinder is very smooth. The smooth seems to contribute to more roller sticking and less smoothness in the chocolate. Has anyone re-roughened the surface of these stones? Any thoughts, comments?

Paul Picton
10/31/16 09:44:51
11 posts

I have not found an answer nor any community best practices. I will raise the question at the Northwest Chocolate Festival in two weeks.

01/26/17 00:37:27
3 posts

Hi, just came across this discussion and was wondering, if you could get some new information at the Festival?

Paul Picton
01/26/17 08:33:15
11 posts

I have no further information. I am continuing to use the stones as they are - 15,000 hours since new. 
