Rajarajeshwari Kainthaje

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Dragee polish

user image 2013-09-29
By: Rajarajeshwari Kainthaje
Posted in:

I use Capol 254 W to seal my Chocolate covered dragees. Then I polish them with Capol 425M . I have started production of Hard Sugar panned Dragees. I am not sure which Capol products will seal and polish my hard sugar coated Dragees. Any suggestion?

Raji from India.


Clay Gordon
09/29/13 10:47:39 @clay:


This kind of question belongs up the discussion forum, not as a blog post. You are asking a question rather than telling a story. Most members will not look down here in the blog to answer questions.

That said ... I would contact the people who are supplying you with your current varnish for their recommendations. Chances are you are going to be buying it from them anyway.

:: Clay