Tibor Baan

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Adriennne Henson
02/17/14 05:51:21 @adriennne-henson:

I would love to be able to try your bars and another good friend of mine Brady would also be interested.What I have learned with shipping that the cheapest way is by regular post.I also know some stores that may be interested that sell chocolate but would really like to try your bars.

Check out my friend Brady website


He and I both like chocolate,don't wish to make,we will leave that up to you chocolate makers except for fun.Both Brady and I are good at tasting and can give honest feed back.

Adriennne Henson
02/17/14 05:10:12 @adriennne-henson:

Hi Tibor,

I hope that things work out and would like to hear more about your chocolate

How are you learning to do this and what do you do now?

I like hearing what people did before they went into chocolate and to make good bars it takes practice and time.

Adriennne Henson
02/16/14 11:43:50 @adriennne-henson:

I just found you on the chocolate life

I am interested to know what type of bars you make for I have not seen any craft chocolate makers out of Thailand and would be interested in your bars

I am emailing from New York City

Do you ship to the states and do you make plain single origin bars?