By: Warren Laine-Naida
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For those in Germany, or within drving distance, the 2nd Paderborn Chocolate Festival opens Thursday night Oct 22 with a VIP reception in the town hall. The show runs then from Friday through Sunday. Last year's event welcomed over 20 000 visitors. This event is a showcase of german chocolate and this year features musical performances, chocolate sculpture, photography and fashion. I will be in attendance and will report "von ort" as we say in Germany. Live on the ground! If any one will be in Paderborn for the event let me know and we can meet up and exchange truffels! cheers, Warren
http://www.paderborn.de/microsite/schokofestival/programm.php?p=0 UPDATE:approximately 100 people attended the vernissage of the festival in the city hall. organiser Reinhard Schwarz did an amazing job of pulling the festival together for the second year. we drove the three hours from bremen in the pouring rain, but enjoyed a great evening! the festival goes all weekend so if you are in the area do drop by!