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Art, it has been often commented, is supported by a scaffold of discourse - in the same way in this century wine, food, fashion and of course chocolate has been. We put these things on a pedestal, distance ourselves from it. hold it up for admiration and allure, increase its value by limiting those who understand, or those who can afford access. What happens when the scaffold is removed? What is left? With chocolate at least we have something to eat.
With Schokolade in der Kunst an important cornerstone has been laid beneath that scaffolding. This book gives us a point of reference, and I think an important validity for those who work in chocolate as an inedible medium.
I travelled to Frankfurt for the launch of this very important book and to meet the author and publisher. I have been waiting such a book for many years. Neither at university, during my time at chefs school, nor in the intervening years has there ever been a point of reference for chocolate as a medium in art - until now. Brava Dr. Ksel!
deconstructing the chocolate. creating the palimpsest. august 2010.
By Warren Laine-Naida, 2010-09-09
The chocolate sculptural canvas begins with the chocolate block. 6 sculptures are broken down, melted and reformed into four blocks.
These are the building blocks, the canvas, now the palimpsest of the chocolate sculptures. They too are photographed out of doors.
There is a completion of the circle of my sculptures creation and a return to the simplicity of texture, form and purpose.
images here: