Alek Dabo

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Alek Dabo

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@Alek Dabo 8 years ago - Comments: 0
Alek Dabo

How long and how best store cacao nibs?

Hi,I have a limited amount of space...
@Alek Dabo 11 years ago - Comments: 0

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Alek Dabo
10/15/16 12:46:26 @alek-dabo:
Hello Jens,
Yes, I am in Santo Domingo but travel the island for beans. I have now identified 2 great producer and sticking with time for the time being. I buy my cocoa butter from "Chocolate Antillano" in Santiago, the second largest city towards the North West of the Island on the way to Puerto Plata.
His smallest quantity is 25 Kg. I don't know if they send abroad, although they do export.
What quantity are you looking for? and where are you located.
Do you have a website?
All the best,

Alek Dabo
12/08/15 18:35:51 @alek-dabo:


What are the Pro's and Con to choose between the Santha 65 or the Cocoatown melangeur, beside the price? They look very much the same. I've seen the cocoatown in many places from high-end chocolate artisan to chocolate shop and the Santha one only in a handly of places. Which is the best for a rather remote location? Thank you