Euro Chocolate Road Trip - London Chocolate Unwrapped
The whole Idea of Chocolate Week in the UK has been to build awareness for the growing artisan and high-end chocolate world in the UK (not just London) and drive foot traffic into the stores rather than taking people out of their workshops during the busy holiday production season and gathering them all together in one place for the public to parade in front of.This year the organizers decided to add a small trade show component to Chocolate Week Chocolate Unwrapped - as a way to officially mark the start of the week and to see if they could attract a different audience. Unwrapped was a small (about 20 exhibitors) tabletop show that included a small chocolate art exhibit and a series of lectures and tasting presentations. Tickets were sold to sessions that two-and-a-half hours, more than long enough to see and taste everything.For me it was like being a kid in a candy store except I didn't have to pay. I believe I was the only journalist from North America attending and I may have been the only journalist from outside the UK to cover the show. Taken entirely unto itself, Unwrapped did not warrant traveling all the way from the US to see it. However, the UK chocolate scene has seen tremendous growth in the past five years and there are many people I have known and known of for quite some time that I have never actually met.People like Martin Christy, who in addition to being the founder of, one of the oldest chocolate review sites (I started corresponding with Martin shortly after starting back in 2001) is also highly involved in the Academy of Chocolate. The Academy had a table at Unwrapped and Martin was sharing his passion and enthusiasm with chocolate to a large number of attendees and even arranged a live interview with cacao growers in Ecuador via Skype which was pretty cool.
Good update - looking forward to the news from the continent! P.S. - You'll find a CHOCOLATE BLISS book awaiting you when you get back to the states. Enjoy!
I'm holding out for the chocolate with crispy bacon I heard about from Paul Wayne Gregory ... and also just enjoying my marmite with cheddar cheese on warm crumpets ....
Having lived in London years ago, I can tell you that the charm of eating Marmite is that it is Gosh awful. It's the preverseness and sheer horror that is the authentic Marmite experience. Now, to try to make it palatable--an oxymoron--is beside the point. Give me Marmite in it's full bitter, nose-wrinkling glory. If it isn't just isn"t Marmite. Please put chocolate to better uses!
Thank you so much!! I ate up your reviews. I love marmite on toast with butter and a thin layer of marmite-but with chocolate...?? some of the chocolate from the art exhibit. it was great meeting you on Saturday Clay! I will be in Paderborn in two weeks for the chocolate festival there.