To change/update your personal information it is necessary to go to your profile page by clicking on your name in the site-wide nav - the button to the left of Search.
When you are on your Profile page, click on the button with the gear icon in it - circled in the image below.

You will be taken to the Admin tab for your Profile.

The most important sections to update are the Profile Image (300x300 pixel square format recommended), your Profile Biography, and (scrolling down) the two-letter Country code. Unless you have a very good reason to change the profile URL, please don't, as any direct links to your profile will be broken.
It is also very important to select a member group (in Jamroom-speak, a profile quota) to belong to. Some quotas have more permissions than others. If you are in the Unassigned or Unsubscribed quotas, you can't add any new content to TheChocolateLife, for example. Click on the Profile Quota popup to select the member group that best describes your interest(s) in chocolate. NOT ALL OF THE MEMBER GROUPS SHOWN BELOW WILL BE VISIBLE TO YOU.

When you are done making changes to your Profile, scroll down and click on the Save Changes button.
You will be returned to your Profile. Click on the Gear icon again, and select the Account Tab.

Only change your User Name if there is a compelling reason. (Length would be one - having one that is more than 12 characters, for example.) Be default, the User Name on your account and your Profile name are the same.
If you change your email address double check it and make sure it is correct. If you enter the wrong email address you may not be able to log in or recover your password if you forget it. (In which case send an email to tcl_info@ to let me know and I can reset it for you.)
Change your password if you want to. It's a good idea to change the password on a fairly regular basis and to use strong passwords. If you have not changed your password in over a year, doing so now is highly recommended. A strong password has the following aspects:
at least 12 characters
at least one lowercase letter (a...z)
at least one uppercase letter (A...Z)
at least one numeral (0...9)
at least one special character e.g., +=$%-_{}[]!*() etc.
If you try to enter a password that does not have these aspects the site will not accept it and you will be asked to enter one that does.
Please also update your "Dark, Milk, White," "Most Memorable Chocolate Experience," "Favorite Chocolate," and other information in your Account profile. The more you share, the easier it will be for other members who share your interests to connect with you.
Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. You will be returned to your Profile page.