
6th Salon del Cacao y Chocolate - Perú

6th Salon del Cacao y Chocolate - Perú
Wednesday July 1 2015
at Maria Angola Hotel Convention Center - Miraflores, Lima, Perú

Added By: Clay

This is the 2015 edition of the Salon del Cacao y Chocolate in Lima and it will be followed up again with a trip into the countryside, La Ruta del Cacao.

I attended the Salons in 2013 and 2014 and found them to be incredibly educational and great for networking, not to mention a chance to meet friends new and old.

I was also fortunate enough to attend La Ruta both years with great groups from around the world. In 2013 we visited in and around Tingo Maria and Tocache in Huánuco province and last year we visited in and around Tarapoto in the province of San Martin. Both were incredible adventures where I learned a great deal. The organizing committee has not yet made a determination of where La Ruta will travel to. I would guess it would either be to the north - Tumbes/Piura/Chulucanas and the surrounding areas - or south to Cusco.

In the past, the organizing committee has a number of spaces that are open for international visitor on a partial "scholarship" basis. What this means is that the committee will pay your hotel and travel expenses while you are in Perú. In return, you will be asked to participate in some way during the Salon and along La Ruta, if you are accepted. As one of the main purposes of the event is to open markets for Peruvian cocoa growers, from-the-bean chocolate makers are encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in knowing more about the 2015 Salon and La Ruta, please send me a private note.

As more information is known about the Salon I will post it. I am looking forward to attending again this year - and hope to see many of you there as well.

:: Clay


Victor Antonio Padilla Prado
05/11/15 18:41:11 @victor-antonio-padilla-prado:


Good to know you will try to come, we will have an exhibition stand, hope we can meet some of you.

Clay Gordon
04/10/15 11:29:56 @clay:

@Natchoco -

Go to your profile page, click the Events button in the nav and then the + icon in the Events header bar to add an event.

04/09/15 15:52:30 @natchoco:

Clay hi I am new to this web, and wanted to post an event: the chocolate technique 1 and 2 at ICE  NYC, it starts Monday April 20th, it's an intensive 5 day chocolate class,no one is registered yet and they only need 5 students to start the  class. Let everyone that might be interested know about this class!!!