"fair trade is dead" - an interesting perspective
I loved the reply to this article: "Please remember that Fairtrade refers to the FLO global system, whereas fair trade is a concept and anyone can claim to be fair trade without having to show compliance to any standard or practice"
This is like saying that anyone that doesn't believe in God cannot possibly be a good person and do the right thing.
This article was written by coffee specialists but it applies equally in cacao / chocolate in my opinion.
He nails it when he writes " In 1997...... farmers knew that, despite good intentions, they had already lost control of what would become branded as Fair Trade. Over the years the certifying bodies in the north controlled the conversation and set the norms with feedback from farmers, but without farmers truly having any ownership of the organization. Consumers could see farmers' faces on marketing materials and bags of coffee, but could not hear producer voices. Now farmers want their voices heard."
I've spoken with hundreds ofunaffiliatedcacao farmers in peru and ecuador, and it never made sense to any of them. I've spoken with dozens ofaffiliatedcacao farmers and they ranged from lukewarm to confused about FT. Nobody I've ever spoken to loved it except european administrators who derived a living from it. something grass roots and farmer-based should now take Fair Trade's place. people on this forum can be a part of it.
Sitting in San Cristobal de Las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico things are crystal clear. Underneath the din of organizations in the North clamoring to set the definition and terms of Fair Trade, small-scale coffee farmers-- the original and supposed main beneficiaries of the system(s)-- have a unified opinion that Fair Trade has not worked. This of course, on the surface, is not a new revelation. However, where in the past we often discussed Fair Trade as not working, we now are closing the book on it-- we are speaking in the past tense. In the wake of FLO's slow and steady sell out of the model to large corporations and TransFair USA's sprint to complete the deal, Fair Trade has bitten the dust. Now is the appropriate time to spill an espresso shot in the dirt and say a few words.
Now dry that tear because I have some good news. Out of Fair Trade's ashes there is already a movement to build something better and it is coming from the people who were virtually shut out of the old system-- the producers themselves. After four days of meetings with coffee farmers from all over Latin America, as well as mission-based coffee roasters and other allies, it is clear that there is abundant energy for rebuilding a model of fair trade with true representation from all involved and that comes from farmers themselves. This new spirit can be seen in many initiatives, but most concretely in the Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe's ( CLAC) new label that highlights products grown and sold by small-scale producer cooperatives under terms defined as fair by the producers themselves and agreed upon with buyers in true partnership. This small farmer-owned certification system is up and running and will be a market force to be reckoned with by the end of 2012.
During our conversations a veteran of the small-farmer movement in Mexico summed up the situation nicely:
In 1997 we were in meetings with other fair traders when FLO announced that they were forming and would be setting the standards for our movement. Many of us stood up and walked out.He said that from that moment on farmers knew that, despite good intentions, they had already lost control of what would become branded as Fair Trade. Over the years the certifying bodies in the north controlled the conversation and set the norms with feedback from farmers, but without farmers truly having any ownership of the organization. Consumers could see farmers' faces on marketing materials and bags of coffee, but could not hear producer voices. Now farmers want their voices heard.
Fair trade is not a brand owned by companies and non-profits in the global north. The look for the label movement bet that people were simply consumers who could not stop for longer than a few seconds to think and truly care about what they were supporting with their purchases. They were wrong. True fair trade can start with a simple communication on a product, but it goes deeper as people start to ask questions about every product that they purchase-- including those bearing the label. Real fair trade is in small-farmers and their democratic cooperatives as well as in our hometown farmer's markets, small businesses, and communities-- these things are connected and worth supporting and fighting for. Authentic fair trade is a mutual agreement between people who produce things and the people who buy them. Its standards are the result of equals transparently negotiating in good faith with the intention of both parties satisfying their basic needs. All of this results-- little by little-- in a world where producers and consumers see each other as people and together work toward creating a sustainable global economy and global society.
Fair Trade is dead. It is played out, stale, corrupted, and largely meaningless. When the CEO of the US body that claims ownership of it makes a quarter million dollars a year , drops gems like Small is not beautiful, and brands small farmer advocates as fanatical, you can go ahead and close the coffin lid. When Starbucks becomes corporate leader of the system while it simultaneously boasts of paying under world market prices for its coffee in its own CSR report , rigor mortis has set in. When plantations-- with their traditionally indentured labor forces-- are welcomed in with open arms while small farmers' voices fall on deaf ears, the bucket has officially been kicked.
Fair Trade is surely dead.
Long live fair trade.
updated by @brian-horsley: 04/10/15 06:39:26
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The headline says it all: United Cacao: the sad tale of when things really go wrong for Aim investors .
Two changes we made with the chocolate is that this time we winnowed the chocolate. This time we didn't use a blow dryer to melt the chocolate. Two improvements with the chocolate is that the melanger didn't get clogged this time and everyone put in work.