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Still very green about cocoa!

Own and manage a 100 acre plantation of cocoa trees in Samoa which are still in the very early stages of being planted out. Aim; to improve the quality of cocoa coming out of Samoa and understanding the growing, fermenting and drying process to achieve optimum quality. Our point of difference is that we manage every stage of the critical chocolate process; from understanding the soil in which the trees grow in, to active management of the trees (pruning), to harvesting techniques, bean quality and origin, fermentation techniques and drying variations. Each of these stages can add or detract away from flavour and it's our mission to understand which formula makes the best beans.

Our babies (trees) are still very new, so we have a long wait to experiment with our beans. If you're interested in our journey or want to come onboard to test our beans in the future or offer up ideas on variations of fertilisers, fermentation and drying, feel free to contact me.

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Robert Frederick  Rankin
05/18/11 22:07:05 @robert-frederick-rankin:
Hi Flotina - we live at Vaitele but are taking a break in NZat the moment and hoping to get back to the warmnth of Samoa around the end of June. Tom tells me you've inherited a cocoa plantation - lucky you. Please keep in touch - we;ve just started making chocolate from beans from my wife Levelevei's father's plantation at Taga and area arranging packaging for it here in NZ, Expect tohave the chocolates with locally grown fillings on the ,arket soon after weget back. - Bob Rankin