How the heck do I do that?
Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques
I think they were solid. I asked him to send me pictures from the last time. They were not well done I can tell you that. Thanks for your advice. Greatly appreciate it.
I think they were solid. I asked him to send me pictures from the last time. They were not well done I can tell you that. Thanks for your advice. Greatly appreciate it.
Thank you Lynda. I know the clips of which you speak. So, in your opinion, I should just fill it enough for both sides and then clip the sides, as opposed to filling each side and then sticking it together?
Hello Chocolate Collective,
I recently took over a business from a local chocolatier and have been asked to repeat job that the previous owner has done for the past 2 years. The company makes a widget, and has it recreated in molds (see attached). The molds come is two pieces and fit together. The previous owner had duck-taped a hinge along one side - which can't be hygienic, but while they fit together, they don't stay together (if that makes sense).
He has asked me to make a total of 3500 of these. What is the most efficient way to do this? Should I mold it separately and then and stick it together or try to mold it as a single unit? I have attached an image of the two pieces. Any thoughts would be great.
There are a bunch of options on Amazon:
I would put one inside the refrigerator and get one for the room. I would not get a dual-zone system if it is wired. Which one? I have not used any of these so I don't have specific recommendations. However, there are many inexpensive options so the risk is low.
I use these and they are perfect.
I also use a wine fridge (actually I current have 2), but you need to find one that is able to maintain a consistent temperature. The first one I had fluctuated so badly that it couldn't really be used for chocolate OR wine.
One more edit: the humidity is surprisingly high in both fridges but I guess because the temp is higher than a normal fridge its not such an issue.
If you copy and paste the URL into your browser (rather than clicking on it) it will come up.