Forum Activity for @Iván Andrade

Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
08/29/11 07:11:19
8 posts

better pricing for better cacao

Posted in: Opinion

Unfortunately, if we want to be objective, we must make the case for most small farmers of cocoa, of course there are small groups trying to get ahead based on improving both its production and handling of it, but I'm talking about the vast majority of those that both their economic and intellectual, not allowed to use these mechanisms.

As I said earlier, the involvement of exporters and multinational chocolate manufacturers in improving the techniques of planting and harvesting cocoa, more permeated with the farmer training, logically supported by investment and recognition of higher prices, are the guidelines to be followed to achieve a better cocoa bean quality is obtained and the farmers to improve their living conditions.

I am currently working with cocoa growers' association interested in improving their production, making longer periods of fermentation and technicians, which might achieve the aroma and taste that requires a quality cocoa, but that can only be achieved by paying more their product, supporting them in their projects, since otherwise much work to achieve the same market prices only serve to discourage and allow everything to remain as before. I think here is the opportunity to start work as discussed in this forum, that people or companies that buy cocoa back to look at these people, allowing payment by a more just and financial support for their projects, the vindication of their aspirations and this is the beginning of a more equitable relationship between producer and manufacturer, because most people want to get their land to produce more at the expense of the quality of cocoa, as the price is the same.

Those wishing to have a permanent high quality grain in time, paying a price that will encourage the farmer can contact me for my coordination and agreements, to get from Ecuador, under my warranty, quality cocoa that will benefit both the producer and the manufacturer.

This is the first step we must take if we want any change in the future.

Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
08/28/11 15:16:50
8 posts

better pricing for better cacao

Posted in: Opinion

Unfortunately, in Ecuador as any country producer of cocoa, the small farmer, be it rural poor, needy, trying to sell their cocoa when is baba (wet, fresh from the cob), because it needs and is always in need of money to cover their most urgent and obviously does not care that you choose their cocoa as this will decrease your income. Rarely given the job of fermenting (5 to 7 days) and even worse dry the grain, he needs money urgently, so that the acopiador(collector) from the nearest town buys it solely based on their degree of moisture-reducing price of course-which allows the farmer to have money for their most urgent expenses.. Such is the state of liquidity, often finds it expensive to buy pesticides for their high cost, forcing it to grow semi-organically, however which it can not be credited as an organic producer by the high costs of accreditation, making it reluctant to form partnerships with other peasants, because that means waiting longer for sale, and if the market demands high levels of quality, does not care if the grain is chosen or mixed.

No poor farmer has gone out of their poverty, partnering or cooperative, which is why everyone tries to survive as he can, that's what everybody knows, however from which cocoa is still buying the big multinationals, regardless of destination those who work the land, keep track of plants, care for and harvest their fruit, after which still prostrate in his misery.

The small Ecuadorian farmer, planted their cocoa, without being conscious of the unrivaled quality of the grain, because it knows that the world of fine cocoa aroma is highly priced, and whether they knew it, in its simplicity and humility would have no greater importance, he sees it simply as his means of livelihood.
To help the small farmer, it is first necessary to invest in training, seed selection, crop mechanization, but this means putting money in advance so that after a long period, see results. That does not interest any exporters or multinational, because it means fail to gain immediately by that investment.
In short, our poor farmers will remain in poverty despite being the creators of agricultural wealth, becoming victims of our famous globalization means to them a new chain of slavery.

Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
09/03/11 10:38:12
8 posts

Buying Fair Trade Chocolate in Bulk

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi Giovanni,

I am from Ecuador and I think I can help you in regard to cocoa national and CCN51, if you want, you can write me to and have the pleasure tocollaborate with you.

Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
04/18/11 17:06:52
8 posts

Options to find a chocolate manufacturer

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi Geetha, in Ecuador we produce cocoa liquor for couverture and high quality chocolates, if you wish, we can help you with the product you need, send me to the specifications, quantities and all the details to send you an offer, which I will be happy to help..



Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
04/19/11 13:31:48
8 posts

preserved cocoa pods how do i get one

Posted in: Chocolate Education

Hi all, in Ecuador we have cocoa beans fine aroma of high quality, we can supply cocoa beans, cocoa pods, cocoa nibs or chocolate liquor cocoa coverage, send an email to with your request and we will be happy to serve you.
Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
07/21/11 06:56:53
8 posts

necesito informarme . Donde comprar cobertura para templar en Quito - Ecuador

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hola Nany, me lleg a uncorreo de Luz desde Chile, si ese es el tuyo, he tenido el placer de contestarte, espero poder servirte. Mi tlf. desde el exteriores 593 99701573 Saludos,


Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
04/17/11 07:45:40
8 posts

necesito informarme . Donde comprar cobertura para templar en Quito - Ecuador

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hola Ximena, al igual que a Olivier, te ofrezco el mejor chocolate ecuatoriano para fundir, espero me escribas a mi correo y me indiques tu necesidad para gustoso ofrecerte los productos que tengo disponibles.



Iván Andrade
@Iván Andrade
04/17/11 07:43:00
8 posts

necesito informarme . Donde comprar cobertura para templar en Quito - Ecuador

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hola Olivier, si todavia necesitas cobertura de chocolate, yo puedo proporcionarte la cantidad que necesites, estoy en Ecuador y tenemos el mejor chocolate disponible para elaborar productos de calidad, enviame las especificaciones que requieres a mi correo y estare gustoso de poder servirte.

Saludos, Ivan.

updated by @Iván Andrade: 06/08/15 16:36:07