Forum Activity for @Bob Jemian

Bob Jemian
@Bob Jemian
12/31/08 11:45:24
2 posts

Any Chocolatier lifetime subscribers reading?

Posted in: News & New Product Press

I, too, must echo Debbie's comments as she just reminded me I haven't seen any new Chocolatier's in a while. Perhaps as a group we can encourage the new publication to extend a subscription to their magazine.Bob
Bob Jemian
@Bob Jemian
02/15/08 12:33:48
2 posts

Cocoaroma has a new issue!

Posted in: News & New Product Press

It's sad about "Chocolatier". I remember being sent out of town by my employer to a class I had no business attending. (My boss didn't believe the class was intended for another position.) Anway, while sulking around I wandered into a bookstore at lunch and found Vol 1 #1 of Chocolatier! Has it been that long ago? I immediately subscribed and have a complete, unbroken collection of them.I've since been looking for more and appreciate hearing of this new magazine. Good luck with it.