Forum Activity for @Alec Landler

Alec Landler
@Alec Landler
02/02/12 08:57:49
3 posts

Hershey - How Responsible is Responsible?

Posted in: Opinion

Clay great catch on Hersey'sannouncement. I first heard about this on CNN and personally I am initially skeptical. CNN has been focusing on child slavery in the cocoa producing regions of Africa lately in several stories. I wonder if thisannouncementby Hershey's is a sincere call to address a serious problem or just a PR release todissipatenegative insinuation. Only time will tell I suppose. I hope it is sincere.

Alec Landler
@Alec Landler
01/20/12 14:48:05
3 posts

MaraƱon Chocolate - Cacao Thought to Be Extinct Found in Peru

Posted in: Chocolate Education

Clay, this is a really nice articleoutliningthedifferencesbetween Nacional p and e. I think you are correct that it is a shame that action is not being taken tore-propagatethe species with the unique wonderful flavors.

Alec Landler
@Alec Landler
01/20/12 10:08:48
3 posts

Weird Flavors and Inclusions in Chocolate

Posted in: Tasting Notes

Salt And Chocolate. At first I thought this was two taste bud extremes that could not possibly work. But one bite and I was hooked. The salt added an extra zing to the taste buds making them jump with excitement.