Cocoatown ECGC 65-A 65 lb chocolate grinder/conch/refiner/melangeur for sale from Hawaii for $7984
Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted
is this machine still availlable by any chance??
is this machine still availlable by any chance??
Hi Steve,
If the items are still available, We will also be interested we are located in Los Angeles, California and Anna left you a private note regarding all 3 items.
Can you please send by email some pics at,
Thank you
Can you Please, give me more info and pictures at
Thank you
I will be interrested in both of them or one of them can you please reach me at
Thank you,
Hi Lesley,
I am also located in California and I am interrested in the Selmi if it become again availlable otherwise do you have more equipement or tools you would like to sell?
You can email me direct at
Thank you