Forum Activity for @Holly & Paul Stabin

Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
06/22/08 12:44:36
8 posts

Chocolate - renewable energy to fuel the car of the future?

Posted in: News & New Product Press (Read-Only)

Gwen, thanks for responding. When we were in Belize - we discovered that disease was affecting a great deal of the cacao crop and that the farmers were being taught (by the cooperative) grafting techniques to make the trees disease resistant. Since nothing should be wasted - I'm wondering if the diseased cacao would be useful for fuel development(versus chocolate).
Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
06/06/08 17:02:54
8 posts

Chocolate - renewable energy to fuel the car of the future?

Posted in: News & New Product Press (Read-Only)

I'm all for cutting down on fuel costs with gasoline approaching $150/barrel this summer. One possibility is to use chocolate waste for fuel. Here's the link for more information:
updated by @Holly & Paul Stabin: 12/13/24 12:16:07
Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
04/11/08 14:49:51
8 posts

The World Pastry Team Championship in Nashville with Clay Gordon

Posted in: News & New Product Press (Read-Only)

The Chocolate Lovers Travel Club is about to post the brochure for this delicious upcoming Labor Day Weekend event with Clay. Over 3 days and 4 nights, he has arranged for us to have an insiders peek at the behind the scenes workings of the Championship - tours of the kitchens, individual access to the front while the competition is going on.There will be personal introductions to chocolatiers and chefs plus Q&A time with Clay. VIP seating at the Championship, Awards Ceremony and the Gala Dinner - for a sweet finish. Never before has anyone (outside of the judges) been allowed to taste the desserts that these competing teams prepare right after the photographs are taken!We're also attending the Grand Ole Opry, taking a luncheon cruise aboard the General Jackson Showboat and kicking our heels at the Wildhorse Saloon and enjoy their fantastic BBQ dinner...All that's required between now and May 1, 2008 is a $500 deposit so we can get a count and get back with the organizer of the event. Once we have a minimum of 10 attendees - we're off and running! Prices and many more details will be in the brochure. Look for it within the next 24 hours! If you're already a CLTC member - you'll receive an email with all the details.
updated by @Holly & Paul Stabin: 12/13/24 12:16:07
Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
04/11/08 14:31:07
8 posts

Its Grand Opening time!!!!

Posted in: News & New Product Press (Read-Only)

Congratulations Jeff! Much success and fulfillment of dreams to you!
Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
02/02/08 09:55:25
8 posts

Review of the Glendale Chocolate Affaire

Posted in: Opinion

Sadly, this "Affaire" was less of a chocolate affair than a trinkets, funnel cakes and and tie-dye affair.Oh, there were chocolate pizzas by Cerretas - a local candy company and many chocolate flavored drinks. Also, milk chocolate dips for cheesecake or key lime pie and of course - ice cream toppings.But we at CLTC are FINE CHOCOLATE seekers and the pickings were very slim, indeed.However, there were 3 very good exceptions. And, they are worthy of mention.Personally, I'm not a huge toffee fan, however - Lee Ann's Fine Toffee is worth a mention. The white chocolate macadamia toffee was truly delectable. Now, let's get to the fine chocolate!We had a very interesting experience at the Wei of Chocolate booth - run by Lisa Reinhardt.On display was their Sensual Love Organic Dark Chocolate 74% Cacao blend with herbs & spices known for their aphrodisiac qualities.I'll let you be the judge of that claim.There was also Daily Love Organic Dark Chocolate 74% cacao with a delightful chili finish - I enjoyed it very much.Their 65% cacao product contains chai herbs & spices - it's called Daily Gratitude Organic Dark Chocolate.All products are 100% organic Fair Trade cocoa and 100% vegan. I must say that one of my favorite chocolate experiences occured at the ZoColate Bar Booth - run by Malena Lopez-Maggi and Clive Brown - a global chocolate travel enthusiast (much like ourselves).They incorporate a great deal of Val Rhona product in their confections - with pepper and fruit finishes that had us swooning.The mold designs are quite whimsical and to us, they were the true artisans of the Glendale Chocolate Affaire. Grenada ChocolateThis is one of the best sites for chocolate resources. Enjoy!
updated by @Holly & Paul Stabin: 05/07/15 10:04:30
Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
01/29/08 17:08:55
8 posts

The Chocolate Lovers Travel Club

Posted in: Travels & Adventures

Great News! Belize & The Toledo Cacao Festival trip is now at Go Status! We're definately going - so come on down for some sun and lotsa chocolate - a few spots remain available until 2/6.
Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
01/29/08 11:42:50
8 posts

The Chocolate Lovers Travel Club

Posted in: Travels & Adventures

Hello - I thought I'd start this discussion to answer any questions you might have about the upcoming Belize trip - I'm sure that Clay will chime in - if it's a technical chocolate question. If you haven't had a chance to visit the travel club website - go to - fill out the quick application and then you'll receive access to the Members Only Page that features the itineraries and reservation form.We are looking forward to learning about the world of Mayan chocolate with Clay. I'm attaching a brochure to this posting for the trip. Bon Voyage!
updated by @Holly & Paul Stabin: 04/21/15 11:43:22
Holly & Paul Stabin
@Holly & Paul Stabin
01/29/08 11:33:47
8 posts

What Makes an Artisan Chocolate Artisan?

Posted in: Opinion

Years ago, I studied figurative sculpture at the Scottsdale Artists School with masters from around the world. Given this experience, I'd say that an artisan is someone who creatively conceives, designs and executes a product. In the chocolate world - that would be a confection of sorts. Starbucks will probably "sub out" the work to various artisans and then present it as their own - and since it's mass market - who knows how great the quality will be? Given the quality of the coffee - I don't have great hopes for the chocolate.