Forum Activity for @Mark Gerrits

Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
10/13/16 08:35:08
14 posts

6K Mol-d'art melter

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

110V or 220V?

Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
10/13/16 06:26:56
14 posts

F/S -- Cocoa Pod Mould for Filled or Solid Chocolates

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi.  I am interested in the molds.  I see you have many items for sale.  Do you have an updated PDF with all the items?   If so, could you please send to  I live in Chile but will be in the US in a couple of weeks and would provide you with an address to ship the items.  Thanks!

Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
09/10/16 18:25:00
14 posts

WTB - Used Savage Bros 220V Automatic Tempering machine w/depositor

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi all,

Please let me me know if anyone has a Savage Bros 220V tempering machine for sale.



updated by @Mark Gerrits: 06/29/23 16:49:02
Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
09/10/16 18:22:49
14 posts

WTB - Used Guitar Cutter

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi all,

I am looking for a used Dedy or Bakon guitar cutter.   Please let me know if anyone has one for sale.



updated by @Mark Gerrits: 06/29/23 16:49:02
Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
10/07/15 13:14:28
14 posts

Savage Bros - 50lb Batch Tempering Machine with Depositor

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi Nick,

could you pls send me an email to to discuss further.



Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
10/06/15 11:42:01
14 posts

Savage Bros - 50lb Batch Tempering Machine with Depositor

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi.  is the Sav Bros 50lb tempering machine still available? thanks.

Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
03/06/15 18:58:14
14 posts

Cocoatown ECGC 12 melanger roller stones no longer turn

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Francis Murchison:
Thanks Eric. I will do this test. I talked to Cocoatown and they can sell me new rollers for $200. I'm thinking of trying to redo the roller tubing and bushings instead. Also, if there is some other way for me to increase downward pressure, the extra shear might make up for the wear in the tubing. In my case refining time is very affected because as soon as the mix starts to get nice and liquified (maybe after 6 hours) the rollers stop moving. I think my next steps will be 1 - trying to hack an increase in pressure from the tension bar using spacers on the top of the central axle. 2- Removing the roller tubing and trying to make new tubes.I will post the results.

Hi Francis.  I realize that this post of yours was from a while ago.  However, I am running into similar issue now with a cocoatown that i have here in Chile.  I am wondering if you figured out a way to fix the issue, without having to buy new stones of course.   cheers, mg

Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
11/27/14 04:58:32
14 posts

Difficulty tempering my own chocolate in Chocovision Revolation x3210

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

i don't have any experience with a rev 2. i have a Delta. Sounds as though it might be an issue with temperature probe on your baffle. do you have another baffle to try? apparently washing the baffle with too warm of water can damage the temp probe, FYI.

Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
11/07/14 16:10:11
14 posts

Cocoatown ECGC-12SLTA Issues

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

I connected with Andal from Cocoatown today via Skype video. She was very friendly and helpful. The unit I am using has plastic washers between the bolt and the granite stone. Apparently they added these washers as a sort of a test at a recommendation from someone, but are not necessary for the functioning of the machine. It was the washers that were rubbing and creating friction. They simply suggested I remove the plastic washers and give the unit another try.



Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
11/06/14 18:13:28
14 posts

Cocoatown ECGC-12SLTA Issues

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Hi Even and Brianna,

I am interested to hear if you have found a solution to the delrin insert problem? I have just encountered the same issue with a CT 12STLA. i was starting a batch and a high pitch squeak started to come from the machine. I first thought is was the motor or the belt, but then i realized it was coming from the stones. Then I noticed white particles (plastic) in the bottom of the melanger. i stopped the process immediately and have sent an email off to Cocoatown asking for their technical support to solve the issue. Considering that I live in South America, sending it back to the US for repair is not an option. Anyway, i hope you found a solution and that you are back to making chocolate. any advice you have would be welcome.



Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
06/22/13 06:47:38
14 posts

2012 cacao and chocolate salon - Lima, Peru

Posted in: Travels & Adventures

Clay,Thanks for your thoughts and advice. I have decided to fly up to Lima for the Salon, arriving on Friday AM. Hopefully we will have a chance to meet. As you wisely note, it is always best to seed the clouds before traveling. I sent an note a a couple days ago to an email address that appeared on the salon's website, but have not heard back. Any chance you could share a name and email of the salon's liaison you mentioned?Cheers,mg
Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
06/21/13 09:53:18
14 posts

2012 cacao and chocolate salon - Lima, Peru

Posted in: Travels & Adventures

brian, thanks for the quick and helpful response. if i end uptraveling to Limai will be sure to let you know, since Iwould love to have a chance to meet. this is totally unrelated to my day job with TNC.years ago i worked with cacao/chocolate in Ecuador and i am thinking of getting back into craft chocolate here in Chile.veremos....

Mark Gerrits
@Mark Gerrits
06/21/13 06:27:53
14 posts

2012 cacao and chocolate salon - Lima, Peru

Posted in: Travels & Adventures

Hi Brian, I see that the Cacao and Chocolate salon is back for 2013. Will you be attending? I live in Santiago, Chile and am thinking of traveling to Lima for the salon with the hope of meeting some suppliers who can export quality cacao beans to Chile. In your experience, is the salon a good place to meet cacao suppliers or mainly an end consumer focused chocolate show? Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks, mark