Thanks Eric. I will do this test. I talked to Cocoatown and they can sell me new rollers for $200. I'm thinking of trying to redo the roller tubing and bushings instead. Also, if there is some other way for me to increase downward pressure, the extra shear might make up for the wear in the tubing. In my case refining time is very affected because as soon as the mix starts to get nice and liquified (maybe after 6 hours) the rollers stop moving. I think my next steps will be 1 - trying to hack an increase in pressure from the tension bar using spacers on the top of the central axle. 2- Removing the roller tubing and trying to make new tubes.I will post the results.
Hi Francis. I realize that this post of yours was from a while ago. However, I am running into similar issue now with a cocoatown that i have here in Chile. I am wondering if you figured out a way to fix the issue, without having to buy new stones of course. cheers, mg