By: Gwen Borders2
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About Home Chocolate Party (tm): Founded in 2005/2006At every Home Chocolate Party (tm) we begin by discussing where cacao grows. We will discuss how heirloom cacao trees are protected and how the location of the trees and its fruit effect flavor. We answer questions such as: Who grows the cacao? Who harvests it? What is the process from bean to bar?Once we've located the origins of cacao for our guests, we move on to the players who magically transform beans into luxurious chocolate. Here we answer questions such as: What type of equipment is needed? How is it made? How long does it take? How does it get to stores?We also answer questions such as: What happened in the past? Who discovered cacao and chocolate? Our guests listen to fascinating century old stories of chocolate while tasting samples.When background and questions are answered, we move into our demonstration. Guests are invited to participate in a hands-on workshop based on the Home Chocolate Party (tm) theme. Everyone has time to visit, shop and place orders. The happy group munches and marvels over chocolate, while the HCP Specialist politely exits to leave a very satisfied gathering of choco-partiers!