Preston Stewart

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Preston Stewart

Chocolate Tempering Machines from

I've been on the lookout for a good...
@Preston Stewart 11 years ago - Comments: 3

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Milford Dennison
08/25/14 17:39:49 @milford-dennison:
What exactly can I help you with I use a champion juicer to Crack and grind the beans and I made a winnowing machine from pvc and a 2.5 hp shop vav the winnowing machine is about 97% effective but I would use the vac that sits on a 5gal bucket so I didnt have to empty every time. And depending on your quantity people will buy you husk glad to help in any way just hit me
Rob Connoley
06/02/14 15:18:28 @rob-connoley:

sorry just saw your question about Bakon. They only had one.

Robin Autorino
04/22/14 14:57:03 @robin-autorino:

I will video the table tomorrow. Do you want me to send it to you via email or the a reply comment here?