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Seasons Greetings 2008
Meiji Select Milk Chocolate Box
Meiji Select Milk Chocolate
Meiji Vanilla White Chocolate
Meiji Rich Strawberry Chocolate Gummi Package
Meiji Rich Strawberry Chocolate Gummi
Guittard 65% Ecuador
ECLAT Chocolate
ECLAT Chocolate
Chocolate Fashion
Chocolate Fashion
Chocolate Fashion



05/06/08 17:13:16 @chocofiles:
I thought you might appreciate part of my notes of the taste of Amedei Porcelana, "Elegant and sophisticated, yet delicate and gentle, like a Duchess of 1800s British royalty."I also tasted the Domori Porcelana and while it was still first class I thought it was a notch below the Amedei.(Right now I only have 1/2 of one square of the Amedei Porcelana that I'm hoarding for a special occasion.)
05/06/08 07:52:12 @chocofiles:
Thanks for the recommendation of Amedei Porcelana. I did try it, and although it was fantastic, i thought it was a slight notch below Chuao. Still first class, though. Have you tried Amedei's 9 or any of their others? I'm tasting their I Cru 6 single origins Napolitans these days.
04/08/08 18:51:25 @chocoflyer:
Great photos Sera- I noticed what looked like Patric choc- where did you find them? Did you like it?Also how did you become a writer for Candy Addict? I love that site too- funny how we both found each other at both sites! The 2 sites are like mirror opposites- 2 sides of the same world- but very different sides- the gourmet high end and the nostalgic mass market favorites. I love it all......
02/01/08 18:21:06 @chocoflyer:
Im going to move this discussion to the Forums page so we can get even more suggestions/input on Criollo !
01/31/08 20:36:40 @chocoflyer:
I will definitley get the Porcelana then- did you know Bonnat (french) makes a PURE Criollo bar too? I would love to compare/contrast bars made with that same rare bean- depending on their fermenting/drying/ and processing teqniques they could taste totally different!
01/31/08 17:21:54 @chocoflyer:
Love all the pics of bars and chocolates- are those from your own stash? I have tried most of them and cant wait to try the Porcelana bar- what did you think? Totally unique? Does Criollo really taste different/superior to other pure bean bars?
Clay Gordon
01/27/08 10:35:11 @clay:
Hey Sera! Thanks for joining and posting all the photos. Your page is so dark it's hard to read (for me, anyway). You might consider choosing a different theme. I look forward to hearing more from you.