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Academy of Chocolate Announces 2008 Winners

user image 2008-02-25
By: Sera
Posted in:
The Academy of Chocolates has announces the winners of the Chocolate Awards for 2008 . I think many of you will be pleased with the results.I, for one, feel tickled that I'm familiar with most of the names and bars, but also that I've been lucky enough to taste some of them too. If nothing else, this list will work as a good starting point for my next chocolate order. :)


Sarah Gross
02/28/08 13:51:41 @sarah-gross:
Wow this is a little U.K. slanted. I can't help but suppose that some of my favorite makers did not submit their chocolates for judging. Where was Dolfin? It's one of my faves! And Terra Nostra, KShocolat or Scharffen Berger. Cool to see though! Now I know which of the chocolates in the 60 percent range are worth trying... :)
Bethany Thouin
02/27/08 09:59:35 @bethany-thouin:
I had not heard of the Chocolate Awards. Interesting list of winners...