What are some names of higher Quality Chocolate Bars ?
I need some info on What are some names of Higher Chocolate Bar Brands , such as Cadbury,Nestle ect.. as my profiles in chocolate has started to be...
@Megan Hardgrave started 16 years ago - replies: 7
Chocolate Trends
Hi Everyone,I am currently writing a business plan for a chocolate shop I plan to open this coming April. I'm working on my marketing section and...
@Evelyn started 12 years ago - replies: 4
Custom Chocolate Molds
We've had a few requests of late that have been looking for their own designs both in small shapes and bar ideas. I've run across a few sites that...
@Andy Ciordia started 15 years ago - replies: 3
Scale for Front of House Weighing
I thought this would be a very easy thing to find but I've found waaaaay too many options out there. Anyone have a scale they like using that the...
@Andy Ciordia started 12 years ago - replies: 4
Chocolate Candy Bar Molds
I could be blind in my searches but I'm having trouble finding a bar mold that has a deep enough cavity for filling. We make a fluffernutter style...
@Andy Ciordia started 12 years ago - replies: 5
Chocolate Parties
We've been making random stabs in the dark on this and I don't know why I hadn't thought to ask my peers here.Hosting parties in your shop--How...
@Andy Ciordia started 12 years ago - replies: 5
Recommendation on a Tin Provider in US?
Looking to pick up some standardized and holiday tins for packaging this holiday season. Searches are coming up a bit broad and some places we...
@Andy Ciordia started 13 years ago - replies: 7
Chocolate/Candy Funnel
I've been making molded chocolate by ladling it from the tempering machine into the molds -- messy and wasteful. I recently learned about chocolate...
@Brian Pelletier started 16 years ago - replies: 3