Bug reports

Clay Gordon
12/22/15 09:36:03
1,680 posts

Yes. I saw the image. Posting a ticket on it now.

12/21/15 17:34:14
22 posts

iPhone 5 v 9.2 (up to date). Did you see the example I attached - screenshot of forum post.

Clay Gordon
12/21/15 16:41:06
1,680 posts

Still can only read on iPhone 5 if I turn phone sideways. Vertical viewing cuts off right side. Also as I type the entire comment box is not visible, so difficult to check what I've typed here. The other updates are great.

iPhone 5 not 5S? What version of iOS? Safari, right? Does this also happen in any other browser? I can't test as I don't have an iPhone 5.

12/20/15 20:10:14
22 posts

Still can only read on iPhone 5 if I turn phone sideways. Vertical viewing cuts off right side. Also as I type the entire comment box is not visible, so difficult to check what I've typed here. The other updates are great.

image.jpg  •  178KB

updated by @eg: 12/20/15 20:11:09
Potomac Chocolate
12/15/15 06:22:30
191 posts

It looks like the login issue is fixed with the latest site update. My login has been remembered for the past several days. Thanks!

Clay Gordon
12/06/15 10:34:36
1,680 posts

Ben -

Login may have been resolved. I set the expiration time for the login cookie too short. It's now much longer (20,000 minutes). Also, if you are in chrome there is an extension called "EditThisCookie" that can be used to "protect" a cooke and keep it from expiring. You can use this to make your login cookie permanent on your end.

Working on other improvements over the next weeks.

:: Clay

Potomac Chocolate
12/03/15 10:23:54
191 posts

I'm having the login issue on serveral machines. Two are running chrome on Ubuntu Linux and the other is a Chromebook running chrome (obviously). 

Clay Gordon
11/25/15 11:07:45
1,680 posts

Ben -

I agree, the situation with Groups is messed up. I need to get professional help to make them work properly.


Also, I have noticed that the Forums are working well for what the Groups were trying to so - and people are using the forums for those purposes. So, I am working on fixing the sorting problems for archive retrieval purposes, but pushing people towards using the Forums.

As a part of the process I will be updating the home page - rearranging things - and I will add the last updated timestamp.

The login thing is probably a browser cookie issue, but I will ask the developers. I don't ever have an issue here, and I use Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on MacOS. Is it in more than one browser? What combination are you having problems with?

:: Clay

Potomac Chocolate
11/25/15 07:17:06
191 posts

Two issues:

1) The login 'Remember Me' checkbox doesn't seem to work, or works intermittantly at best. I almost always have to relogin when visiting. 

2) The groups are still essentially useless due to the fact that you can't tell what's been updated. It actually seems worse now than when I last looked. For example, the top discussion was last updated in 2009. Besides the fact that the top discussion should be the one most recently updated, you can't tell that that discussion was last updated in 2009 until you go into the discussion. The changes that I think need to be made are for the sorting to be changed so that the most recently updated discussion should be at the top and then descending in reverse chronological order, and that the display on the group page should include 'Last Updated by $user at $datetime'.

On a side note, I wish the 'Latest Forum Posts' on the homepage also included the time it was last updated, like it does on the 'Newest Posts' forum page, which is much more useful than the time it was originally posted. 


updated by @ben-rasmussen: 11/25/15 07:20:00
06/22/15 21:01:32
22 posts

Search does not work in mobile (iPhone). 

Andy Ciordia
05/15/15 08:19:26
157 posts

I've checked my spam logs and don't see any chatter but I'm not getting any updates when people post to groups I'm a member of. I'd like to be more active but its usually as others are active or seeking help. Hard for me to pay attention otherwise. I checked the settings and its supposed to email out updates--but I'm just not sure. I'll add each group to my old rss reader but I don't pay attention as much to that any more as well.

Potomac Chocolate
05/08/15 07:37:23
191 posts

Hi Clay. 

Any news on getting the group discussions updated? In my opinion, they're almost useless now, since there's no way to easily see when a thread was last updated.

Also, the search results issue I mentioned in my 3/12/15 post is still happening.


03/12/15 14:30:57
182 posts

Hi Clay - great site and thanks for all your work to get it running and with your troubleshooting.

A couple of things I've noticed about the Groups:

1: as Ben mentions above, the discussion threads are sorted by Start Date rather than Last Contribution Date.

2: I don't seem to be getting e-mail notifications for new Group discussion threads when they are started like I did with the old site (I've tried looking through my profile to make sure everything is set to send me e-mails, but maybe I've missed some notification setting).

updated by @gap: 03/12/15 14:32:14
Potomac Chocolate
03/12/15 08:33:51
191 posts

Hi Clay, 

I just noticed something when doing a search. I did a search on 'pricing' looking for an old thread to send to a friend and several of the results didn't display a title or link. So, it was impossible to actually click through to the thread.

There are a couple on the third page of results:


There's one by me and one further down by Matt Caputo that aren't working. There's also one on the second page of results.


Potomac Chocolate
02/17/15 12:38:33
191 posts

Hi Clay,

Yes, I'm referring to the sorting of the discussions themselves, and what info is shown about the discussions, on the group pages. You previously changed the sorting of the comments in a discussion to be much more readable.


Clay Gordon
02/16/15 08:22:59
1,680 posts

Ben -

Now that the site is on the new server and appears to be more stable in general I will be able to devote more time to UX usability issues. I just you want to make sure that you are referring to the sorting of the group discussions themselves (on each group's "home" page), not the comments for any particular discussion.

As you might imagine, there are lots of configuration options. Lots more than on Ning - who basically gave little to no control over things like this. Plus, I have to dive into the code rather than just click a button.

Potomac Chocolate
02/16/15 06:40:51
191 posts

Hi Clay,

Just wanted to bring the group discussions back up. Currently, they show when the thread was started and the number of replies, and are sorted according to start date. On the previous site, they showed, and were sorted by, the last comment date. I think the previous way was much more useful, as it made it easy to see which threads have been updated recently. On older threads in particular, new comments could easily go unread with the current method.


updated by @ben-rasmussen: 09/10/15 05:56:52
Clay Gordon
01/31/15 11:53:25
1,680 posts

Priscilla -

I am still not sure exactly what the issue is. I will change your profile quota to " chocolate maker " as I see you have a handfull of cocoa beans in your account photo. Now that you are out of the default member quota group you should be able to see the quota picker. Please let me know if you still can't.


updated by @clay: 03/12/15 14:31:48
Clay Gordon
01/30/15 13:14:17
1,680 posts

Potomac Chocolate:
The home brew chocolate group seems to be missing.

Taking a look - notified the JR developer team member who did the data import.

Potomac Chocolate
01/30/15 11:53:05
191 posts

The home brew chocolate group seems to be missing.

Joe Camerlin
01/29/15 12:03:46
8 posts

Hi Clay,


Beautiful, it looks perfect with the blue hyperlinks.



Joe C.

Clay Gordon
01/29/15 11:32:58
1,680 posts

Joe Camerlin:
Hi Clay, Great site, excellent resources here. The only thing I found which may use a little tweaking if that when you move the mouse over a hyperlink, the link changes to a color which is almost the same as the background color. This has caused me to hesitate from clicking on the link thinking something was wrong or the link disappeared, especially when there is a link embedded in the forum since the text is tiny. Typically a link will remain the same color and it will become underlined when a mouse is moved over it. It is not a big deal, it just tricked me a few times. Best Regards,' Joe  C.

Joe -

Does the blue work better for you?

Clay Gordon
01/29/15 11:18:50
1,680 posts

Joe -

Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been trying to find a set of colors that can be used universally in the site using the overall color scheme from the old TheChocolateLife. Still working on it. Part of the issue is that some of the CSS classes are doubled up. So if I change something it might have to work against both a dark and a light background. That makes it tougher.


updated by @clay: 01/29/15 11:19:21
Joe Camerlin
01/29/15 11:14:56
8 posts

Hi Clay,

Great site, excellent resources here.

The only thing I found which may use a little tweaking if that when you move the mouse over a hyperlink, the link changes to a color which is almost the same as the background color. This has caused me to hesitate from clicking on the link thinking something was wrong or the link disappeared, especially when there is a link embedded in the forum since the text is tiny.

Typically a link will remain the same color and it will become underlined when a mouse is moved over it.

It is not a big deal, it just tricked me a few times.

Best Regards,'

Joe  C.

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 19:07:56
1,680 posts

Victor Antonio Padilla Prado:
Confectioner please.  Thanks a lot for your help.

Done and done. Sent you a private message.


updated by @clay: 01/28/15 19:08:25
Victor Antonio Padilla Prado
01/28/15 19:06:56
15 posts

Confectioner please. 

Thanks a lot for your help.

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 18:53:18
1,680 posts

Victor Antonio Padilla Prado:
Hello, I also have the quota not appearing problem. Also tried to send you a private note but when I enter clay in the recipient box all I get is "No results".

Victor -

The two are related to each other. I thought I had fixed the quota select not being visible last night. While I am continuing to find a permanent solution, what quota do you want to be in? Blogger, Chocolate maker, Confectioner, Enthusiast, Other Chocolate Professional, Retailer?

Victor Antonio Padilla Prado
01/28/15 18:44:29
15 posts


I also have the quota not appearing problem. Also tried to send you a private note but when I enter clay in the recipient box all I get is "No results".

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 18:37:33
1,680 posts

Clay Gordon:
Susan Bryde:
Twitter, Facebook, etc. are listed as optional but I cannot submit other changes without an entry in those fields. I do not participate in those sites so do not have any data to enter. Please do not require info for those sites.
Susan - When creating the fields I thought I did make them optional on both the create account and update account forms. I will go and check them to make sure. Thank you for letting me know.

Susan -

Problem solved. The issue was not that you didn't have a Twitter account, it was that there were a couple of fields where I set the minimum number of characters to 16 and you did not enter that length of an answer. To help prevent robots from signing up for accounts I set this minimum. I edited your answers - e.g, from "Belgium" to "It was during a trip to Belgium" to check that, in fact this was the problem, and it was. I was also requiring at least 2 characters for a Twitter account which meant that people without an account (or who didn't want to share) would not be allowed to sign up/update. Thanks for pointing this out to me so I could get it fixed. Done and done.

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 18:12:05
1,680 posts

Susan Bryde:
Twitter, Facebook, etc. are listed as optional but I cannot submit other changes without an entry in those fields. I do not participate in those sites so do not have any data to enter. Please do not require info for those sites.

Susan -

When creating the fields I thought I did make them optional on both the create account and update account forms. I will go and check them to make sure. Thank you for letting me know.

Susan Bryde
01/28/15 17:45:21
1 posts

Twitter, Facebook, etc. are listed as optional but I cannot submit other changes without an entry in those fields. I do not participate in those sites so do not have any data to enter. Please do not require info for those sites.

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 10:10:43
1,680 posts

Ben Rasmussen:
And thanks for looking into the search funtionality. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Ben -

I have added the "body" field of Group Discussions to the site-wide search field. It's going to take some time to index every discussion but give it a few hours and you will be able to search the text of all Group Discussions, not just the title.

The foil post was there, it was just the 11th of 11 posts. So you needed to click through to Browse All Results then go to the 3rd page of results. I am looking into where to change the pagination of the search results so that the first 10 posts are displayed (in each category) not four, and that 10 are displayed on each of the next pages.

And I know the title of the page is "Home" which I find confusing. I have alerted the developers.

As for doing anything to help ... you are. I have only two eyes and limited bandwidth to do all the testing that needs to get done. By pointing things out to me that you think don't make sense I can focus on getting them fixed.


updated by @clay: 01/28/15 10:14:43
Potomac Chocolate
01/28/15 09:48:56
191 posts

Thanks Clay. The reordered comments are working for me, and are much better, in my opinion.

And thanks for looking into the search funtionality. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:25:45
1,680 posts

Ben Rasmussen:
Just noticed an issue with the search function. It appears that it only searches titles for group discussions, and the first post for forum discussions. 

Ben -

I have noticed this, too. I believe I can add the body of the group discussions into the global search capability pretty easily. As for the number of Forum results displayed - that's an issue I have brought up with the developers in another context and so finding a solution is already underway.

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:23:24
1,680 posts

Ben Rasmussen:
Thanks Clay. I think the search results look a little weird since they're inconsistent between the forum results (with detail) and the group results (without detail). My preference would definitely be to have the group results show the same detail as the forum results. It just gives you a little more info to help you decide which link to click. For the group discussion comments, I would definitely prefer them to be oldest to newest. This is how the forum discussions work, so it would be consistent. But I also think it just makes more sense, considering that existing/older discussions on this site are used as a resource for new and existing users. Newest to oldest may work ok if you're actively tracking an ongoing discussion (although, I think oldest-to-newest makes more sense for this, too), but doesn't when referring back to it later or reading a discussion for the first time. In those cases, the user would read the original post at the top, then jump to the last page and scroll to the bottom, and then read a comment, scroll up to the top of the next comment, read down, scroll up, and so on.

Ben -

Changing the sort order is trivial to do and I have already made that change. Let me know if it's working the way you think it should.

As for changing the display of the search results that requires programming. I think it's a very good idea and when I get a few free moments I will work on it. Over the weekend I hope, but not before. Another reason I did not do this is that there have been some issues I've been experiencing with comment sort order with threading enabled - the display order goes wacky for me. I have to work with the developers to clear up those issues as they would not be in my code.

Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:18:27
1,680 posts

Jonas Ketterle:
Hey Clay, Just noticed that I need to upload both a profile and an account photo. Didn't realize these were different things until the default image kept showing up even after updating my profile. You may not need to change this ... just a point of minor confusion.

Jonas - it may be a source of confusion but there is a good functional reason that this is so. Jamroom was set up originally for bands. Bands have many members, and members can belong to more than one band - and in particular a manager could manage multiple bands. Jamroom is set up to handle this. In the coming weeks I plan to offer this up to ChocolateLife members who are companies with two or more employees who are ChocolateLife members.

One member can create two profiles for their account, a personal profile and a company profile. I can then link other member accounts to the company profile. People can post to their personal profiles AND to the company profile. It's pretty cool. There are other features, such as groups and pages attached to profiles and profile customization tweaks, so that a company could credibly host the community component of their web presence on TheChocolateLife instead of (or in addition to) Facebook (and social sharing via TheChocolateLife is arguably easier. Furthermore, by implementing something called domain mapping, the company profile on TheChocolatelife could become an actual part of the company's web presence at a url something like community.mydomain.tld.

IN THE MEANTIME ... you can take advantage of the fact that there are separate account and profile names.

Account Name: Jonas Ketterle
Profile Name: Firefly Chocolate

In this way in posts and comments the link to you would read:

Jonas Ketterle - @firefly-chocolate (with the @firefly-chocolate linking to your profile).

And, of course if you wanted to, you could reverse these and the links would say:

Firefly Chocolate - @jonas-ketterle


updated by @clay: 06/29/23 16:55:17
Potomac Chocolate
01/28/15 07:01:11
191 posts

Just noticed an issue with the search function. It appears that it only searches titles for group discussions, and the first post for forum discussions.

As examples, a search for the word 'foil' does not return the following group discussion, which has 'foil' in the first post:


...and a search for 'infrared' does not return the following forum discussion, which has 'infrared' in the second post:


updated by @ben-rasmussen: 02/16/15 08:19:18
Potomac Chocolate
01/28/15 06:56:17
191 posts

Thanks Clay. I think the search results look a little weird since they're inconsistent between the forum results (with detail) and the group results (without detail). My preference would definitely be to have the group results show the same detail as the forum results. It just gives you a little more info to help you decide which link to click.

For the group discussion comments, I would definitely prefer them to be oldest to newest. This is how the forum discussions work, so it would be consistent. But I also think it just makes more sense, considering that existing/older discussions on this site are used as a resource for new and existing users. Newest to oldest may work ok if you're actively tracking an ongoing discussion (although, I think oldest-to-newest makes more sense for this, too), but doesn't when referring back to it later or reading a discussion for the first time. In those cases, the user would read the original post at the top, then jump to the last page and scroll to the bottom, and then read a comment, scroll up to the top of the next comment, read down, scroll up, and so on.

Jonas Ketterle
01/27/15 23:47:42
4 posts

Hey Clay,

Just noticed that I need to upload both a profile and an account photo. Didn't realize these were different things until the default image kept showing up even after updating my profile. You may not need to change this ... just a point of minor confusion. Site is great!


Clay Gordon
01/27/15 20:23:29
1,680 posts

Ben -

Having the name of the discussion without the detail makes a lot more sense when there are two or more search results.

The comments are being displayed in Newest to Oldest order. Do you want them in Oldest to Newest so that it's easier to follow the conversation? The page picker at the bottom makes it easy to jump to the last page.

Potomac Chocolate
01/27/15 16:51:27
191 posts

Yep, I see the Shared Journey discussion now, too. I think it just didn't register that it was a link to the discussion since it didn't have the date, icon, first lines, etc. I must have just thought it was another section header.

The first post I see on that discussion is yours of 12/1/14, which is the most recent comment posted to that thread.


Clay Gordon
01/27/15 15:32:46
1,680 posts


When I click on Search in the top nav and enter " Shared Journey " as the search term I get the following page:

I see the Shared Journey discussion - as well as a forum topic that rererences the discussion. You see something different?


 / 2  


Member Marketplace


kapil jain
kapil jain
kapil jain
@kapil-jain • 8 years ago

Chocolatevenue is an online chocolate store in India.We are specialized in customized chocolates  .Chocolates can be customized as chocolate message and chocolate bars.

You can get written your message on chocolates and can get customized your chocolate bars by selecting the desired ingredients.

for more details


@colorchocolate • 8 years ago


Enjoy a delicious premium chocolate from the Boyacá region of Colombia, considered among the best in the world. We offer a 200 kilograms lot of pure origin cocoa liquor,  fair trade / ethically sourced. N o other ingredients added.

The price for this high quality product is as follows:

1 kg - US$ 13

100 kg - US$ 12 per kilo

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Inquires: equalcolombia@gmail.com

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- See more at: https://www.thechocolatelife.com/community/forums/my_posts/18453/fine-cacao-liquor-colombia-origin#sthash.2pUq4Eu3.dpuf

Clay Gordon
@clay • 8 years ago

FCIA Recognition of Excellence Nominations close in one week:

Clay Gordon
The 4 Chocolatiers
@the-4-chocolatiers • 8 years ago

Two changes we made with the chocolate is that this time we winnowed the chocolate. This time we didn't use a blow dryer to melt the chocolate. Two improvements with the chocolate is that the melanger didn't get clogged this time and everyone put in work.