Okay my chocolate experts, what to do about To'ak Chocolate ( https://toakchocolate.com ). It has finally happened where someone is claiming to be something they are not in the bean to bar world. Never mind their terrible website, the questionably information on their website, the fact their website is slow and hard to navigate, and a $260 chocolate bar for your first time out is beyond insane.
I've heard through the grapevine from a handful of people at exclusive chocolate tastings that the bar is average at best. Yes, there are people who may like sub-par chocolate, so it may all be in the person tasting. However, keep in mind these are chocolate people who regularly do tastings.
I was tweeting with someone who was doing a wine tasting with the bar. I've attached a photo. Keep in mind this is NOT raw chocolate. No shine, so it obviously wasn't tempered correctly.
The wine guy I got this photo from says To'ak claims that chocolate bars get better as they age. As far as I know, bars are good for up to a year if stored properly. To claim this is absolutely ridiculous!
Now, I've been in the chocolate business for 12 years. I've read all of the books. I'm a professional chocolatier through study at Ecole Chocolat. I studied pastry at the French Pastry School with some of the best pastry and chocolate chefs in the WORLD. I've blogged and written books about chocolate. Has something changed that I don't know about?
What can we do about these guys? They are misinforming and down right lying and taking advantage. I don't like it one bit. Do we take to our blogs? A few of my chocolate expert blogging friends are all laughing at the precise things I've mentioned. Marketing only gets you so far with a bad product and misinformation.
You're feedback would be appreciated!
updated by @annmarie-kostyk: 04/09/15 09:53:44