We were just randomly throwing out ideas today here in Hawaii while makingchocolate, and we wondered why don'tpeople heat the room their temperedchocolate is poured in to the appropriate 88-92 F temp so that one doesn't have to worry about the molds being the wrong temp and shocking thechocolate, andyou also wouldn't need to worry about the batch ofchocolateyou have tempered cooling and becoming too thick to pour, and ifyou had a depositor,you wouldn't have to worry as much about thechocolate solidifying in the pipes & hoses.
We're not suggesting tempering in such a room since it would be hard to cool thechocolate on the downslope to 80 F, butyou could move the temperedchocolate bowl to a 90 room once it was tempered where the molds were waiting to be filled.
This may also not be easy in temperate places wherechocolate is usually made, but it'd be pretty easy in tropical areas like here in Hawaii! You could even have the exhaust of the AC for the tempering room feed into the heated molding room to save energy on both ends.
Let me know if youknow a good reason this wouldn't work.
updated by @nat: 04/09/15 08:05:54