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Visiting New Zealand

Hello All-I am visiting New Zealand...
@Danielle 14 years ago - Comments: 4

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05/17/10 12:48:02 @erin:
Sounds like you've got some interesting work ahead of you. Wish I was there to taste the results. Hope the new mixer is working out for you (as well as the temperer).Have fun,Erin
04/30/10 13:43:33 @erin:
I never have tried homemade marshmallows. I understand once you've had the good ones you'll never go back to the stuff we usually think of as marshmallows (i.e. the cheap stuff). What are you going to use to get them fluffy?
04/30/10 13:41:40 @erin:
So glad to hear it. Thank you for letting me know.I've been having some fun with the cocoa butter transfer sheets and temperer myself. I love the heart shaped magnet molds with the pink polka dot transfer sheets. Is it possible something can be too cute to eat?Have fun,Erin
04/28/10 13:25:14 @erin:
Hey Danielle,Sorry to hear about the mixer. Hope nothing else got harmed in the process.It's a bit embarrassing about this delay. You would think they (if anyone) should be able to get the logistics figured out.If for any reason you don't have it by Monday let me know and I'll raise hell.Sounds like your making some yummy stuff!Erin
04/27/10 07:03:57 @erin:
Hi Danielle, I've called to follow-up and you should have it on your doorstep by Monday. There was a back order on the white chocolate and transfer sheets that has delayed it's arrival sooner. I'm sorry for the delay.How are the caramels coming along?
04/02/10 00:11:53 @erin:
Sounds good. Let me know how you like the milk chocolate with your caramels when you get a chance.Erin
04/01/10 22:38:10 @erin:
Will do. If you get up Seattle way, give me a call.Take care and keep in touch,Erin
03/31/10 22:53:35 @erin:
It was great chatting with you today! I look forward to hearing more about your progress. Let's keep in touch. Your orders in...All the best to you,Erin