Forum Activity for @Clay

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
02/02/15 09:27:41
1,680 posts

Priscilla -

Continuous tempering machines are not designed for constant changeover. The reason is as you point out - it's not cost-effective to completely clean the internal plumbing and if you're using water to clean you need to let it dry out completely before starting the next batch.

For this reason, people tend to run their machines for as long as they possibly can before changing over. One scenario is to run one chocolate for an entire day, clean the machine at the end of the day, and then let it dry out over night. In most of the workshops I have visited, they have dedicated machines for dark, milk, and white. They size their machines to the amount of each chocolate they need. They might have a 25kg machine for dark, a 12kg machine for milk, and a 4kg for white.

When they have a flavored chocolate they use their continuous tempering machines in a semi-batch mode, taking off the tempered chocolate they need in small batches and flavoring only what they need.

One question I have is about the size of the average batch you are making. Is it a couple of kilos at a time or is it more like 5-10kg per hour or more?

updated by @Clay Gordon: 11/18/15 13:59:08
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
02/01/15 21:07:55
1,680 posts

Change Log

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Updates and changes to features and functionality


February 1

  • Completed a module-by-module check of the quota configurations. Some features that were turned off for some quotas that should have been turned on, were turned on.
  • Did an integrity check of embedded YouTube videos. No videos were deleted, but there are 23 videos (out of 231) that may no longer be playable because their owners have made them private. Investigating what to do about those 23.
  • Changed the CSS formatting of links to make them more obvious.

January 31

  • Created a new profile quota that enables an organizational account to have multiple profiles and to link the accounts of other members of the organization to a shared profile. Turned on Profile Tweaks, FAQs, Profile Forums, Profile Groups, File Uploads, and Profile Pages for this quota. Visit @FBM-srl to see what this looks like. The features in this quota are going to be available to any member for a one-time setup cost of $50. For an annual fee of $50, Organizations will also be able to map a domain name to their profile enabling them to use and brand all of the community features of TheChocolateLife.

January 23

  • Added the text of Group Discussions to site-wide search and modified the Search Results pages to display them more effectively. This slows the actual search down but speeds up finding what you're looking for when the results are displayed.Overall it's a very positive improvement.
  • Worked with the developers to improve the Tag Cloud module user experience. Added links to the entire tag cloud in the top nav as well to the title bar of the tag cloud block on the home page.

updated by @Clay Gordon: 06/29/23 16:55:17
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
02/01/15 14:35:49
1,680 posts

Whole Bean Chocolate, Raw Chocolate, etc and the law

Posted in: Opinion

David -

These are all very good questions.

Legally, Sacred Chocolate should not be able to call what they make chocolate because it's outside of the standard of identity for chocolate with respect to shell content.

When it comes to "raw" chocolate there is an increased risk of getting sick because pathogens that would normally be killed during roasting aren't.

Practically, the FDA is not going to do anything until a whole lot of people get sick. At that point the FDA will take a look at these chocolates and may or may not issue guidelines. I don't think that "Big Chocolate" is going to lobby for regulation as the market is too small for them to bother with. Instead they will used theit advanced manufacturing skills to create neutriceutical chocolates "improved" using extracts, as Mars does now.

One thing that many small chocolate makers may not know (but it's something I tell all my consulting clients) is that they are required to register with the FDA as a food manufacturing facility - and there are some specific things they must do, such as having a written, documented, procedure for cleaning beans and removing any metal objects before roasting. By registering with the FDA you give consent to have them inspect your facility and they can fine you or shut you down if they find things they don't like. While you might not want to invest in a formal HACCP plan, having a documented set of procedures that show that you are aware of the issues and that you have processes in place is a very good idea.

Anyone making chocolate should get their chocolate tested at a lab. Plate test, maybe heavy metals. You can specifically test for salmonella and e coli. If you are NOT doing this, you should. Contact your insurance company and see what doing this might do to reduce the cost of your general and product liability policy premiums.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/31/15 17:41:07
1,680 posts

What can't I ...? Missing functionality.

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Sebastian -

For what it's worth, when I turned it on, I did not expect to find it in the top nav. I searched for it and searched for it ... and ended up having to ask the dev team where it was when it wasn't where I expected to be. Doh. Homer Simpson moment.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/31/15 11:53:25
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Priscilla -

I am still not sure exactly what the issue is. I will change your profile quota to " chocolate maker " as I see you have a handfull of cocoa beans in your account photo. Now that you are out of the default member quota group you should be able to see the quota picker. Please let me know if you still can't.

updated by @Clay Gordon: 03/12/15 14:31:48
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/31/15 08:26:46
1,680 posts

What can't I ...? Missing functionality.

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Sebastian -

The Private Notes function is implemented. You can find it by hovering over your name in the top nav. It should be the first item.

There is a twist, however. Right now you can only send Private Notes to people who are following you. This is done to prevent spammers using the Private Notes capability. If you want to connect with someone using Private Notes, the best thing to do is to go to their Profile and Follow them. If their account is set up to accept all follow requests, the Follow button will be replaced by Following. If the member's profile is set to "Approve Followers" then the button will be set to Pending and you will get an email when they approve.

I can turn the "only send notes to followers" off, and it might make sense to do that for the next month or so as members slowly claim their accounts. I will have to think about that.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/30/15 13:14:17
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Potomac Chocolate:
The home brew chocolate group seems to be missing.

Taking a look - notified the JR developer team member who did the data import.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/30/15 10:22:53
1,680 posts

Rev Delta baffle sensor repair

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

David -

I am sure that everyone here on TheChocolateLife (and elsewhere) would appreciate an instructable on these sorts of repairs and maintenance. Looking forward to seeing the first.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/30/15 10:21:43
1,680 posts

Hello from a new bean to bar maker in Arizona

Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Desert Indulgence. I like it.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/30/15 10:20:48
1,680 posts

Looking to purchase 65lb grinder/melanger

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Potomac Chocolate:
@clay: not having to tip the melanger to empty it sounds very nice. :)

Ben -

Just one of the little things we took a careful look at as we were designing the machine. The fact that bowl comes apart in two pieces so that you can remove it completely is unique. While we wanted it to be efficient (i.e., get to particle size fast) that was not the only aspect of usability that concerned us.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/29/15 13:10:49
1,680 posts

Hello from a new bean to bar maker in Arizona

Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Tim -

Welcome to TheChocolateLife.

For the sake of members everywhere, what's the name of your company? Want to make sure you are mentioned in the current databases of makers.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/29/15 13:04:36
1,680 posts

Rev Delta baffle sensor repair

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

David -

If/when you do, document it in photos and post an instructable. You can use the new photo galleries to do this. Title each image with the name of the step - Chocovision Rev Delta Baffle Repair - Step 1 - and so on. And put the text in the description. When viewed in Lightbox mode it becomes a step-by-step guide to repairing the baffle.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/29/15 11:32:58
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Joe Camerlin:
Hi Clay, Great site, excellent resources here. The only thing I found which may use a little tweaking if that when you move the mouse over a hyperlink, the link changes to a color which is almost the same as the background color. This has caused me to hesitate from clicking on the link thinking something was wrong or the link disappeared, especially when there is a link embedded in the forum since the text is tiny. Typically a link will remain the same color and it will become underlined when a mouse is moved over it. It is not a big deal, it just tricked me a few times. Best Regards,' Joe  C.

Joe -

Does the blue work better for you?

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/29/15 11:26:15
1,680 posts


Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Lynda Brent:
Clay, I might not post much on this site, but I want you to know how much this site has helped me when it comes to my chocolate business. If I ever have a question about anything chocolate -- this is the first step I take to look for an answer. I've never been disappointed in searching for the answer here first. I've found different used equipment to purchase (and the transactions have always worked out great); ways to "fix" my caramel cooking process for the perfect tasting caramel; suppliers to purchase needed supplies; answers to my questions about "what to do if...."; and more things than there is room to discuss. Thanks for creating a great "GO TO" site when it comes to every thing about chocolates.

Lynda -

Thanks for sharing. I am glad to hear that TheChocolateLife has been such a valuable resource for you.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/29/15 11:18:50
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Joe -

Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been trying to find a set of colors that can be used universally in the site using the overall color scheme from the old TheChocolateLife. Still working on it. Part of the issue is that some of the CSS classes are doubled up. So if I change something it might have to work against both a dark and a light background. That makes it tougher.

updated by @Clay Gordon: 01/29/15 11:19:21
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/29/15 11:15:39
1,680 posts

Rev Delta baffle sensor repair

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

David -

Baffles cannot be easily repaired as the wires are epoxied into the baffle. Whatever is causing the short is probably buried somewhere between the sensor and the contact wires. Troubleshooting is hard because you have to disassemble the baffle to find the cause of the short.

As you bought a used machine, Chocovision is not obligated to honor any warranty. Did you ask for a good price? Try looking for parts on eBay, too.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/29/15 11:09:48
1,680 posts

Looking to purchase 65lb grinder/melanger

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

FBM introduced a new machine at SIGEP that I helped them design - the >> RUMBO << .

The design is a hybrid of the Indian wet grinder and a traditional Lehmann melanger. The bowl and the base are fixed and the grinding stones turn. The grinding stones are direct-drive: no belts or chains, and the motor is variable-speed.

The base and the grinding stones are also made of real granite. The people who cut the stones for the RUMBO are the same people who cut the stones to repair actual Lehmann melangers. The grinding stones weigh 45kg each as well.

Perhaps more importantly, the RUMBO incorporates a forced hot air mechanism into the design. You can heat the stones and base before you start grinding so that the fat starts to liquefy more or less immediately. Furthermore, you can keep the air blowing while refining (or not) your choice.

Also, the machine unloads itself. There is an opening in the side of the machine and the scrapers push the chocolate out of this opening. No more tipping the bowl and having to reach in to scrape the chocolate out. The bowl is in two parts and is removable so you can reach the innards for cleaning.

Finally, it's price competitive with a fully-loaded CocoaTown 65. About 10% more. Rated batch capacity is 40 liters, but the bowl is 120L. The more chocolate you put in the machine the longer the processing time. We are looking at ~24 hours to grind/refine to the desired particle size, then transfer to a Kleego50 for conching (in under three hours).

If anyone is interested, please send me a private note and I will send you the catalog page.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 19:31:44
1,680 posts

New Features on the Forum Index Pages

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

There are two important indicators on the Forum Index pages.

When you see the number of posts surrounded by a dotted line it means that that item has been pinned. It will remain at the top of the page.

When you see the number of posts highlighted in yellow it means that there new topics or comments in this section that you have not read.

You can click on the checkmark icon to mark all of the posts within this section as read.



updated by @Clay Gordon: 06/29/23 16:55:17
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 19:07:56
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Victor Antonio Padilla Prado:
Confectioner please.  Thanks a lot for your help.

Done and done. Sent you a private message.

updated by @Clay Gordon: 01/28/15 19:08:25
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 18:53:18
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Victor Antonio Padilla Prado:
Hello, I also have the quota not appearing problem. Also tried to send you a private note but when I enter clay in the recipient box all I get is "No results".

Victor -

The two are related to each other. I thought I had fixed the quota select not being visible last night. While I am continuing to find a permanent solution, what quota do you want to be in? Blogger, Chocolate maker, Confectioner, Enthusiast, Other Chocolate Professional, Retailer?

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 18:37:33
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Clay Gordon:
Susan Bryde:
Twitter, Facebook, etc. are listed as optional but I cannot submit other changes without an entry in those fields. I do not participate in those sites so do not have any data to enter. Please do not require info for those sites.
Susan - When creating the fields I thought I did make them optional on both the create account and update account forms. I will go and check them to make sure. Thank you for letting me know.

Susan -

Problem solved. The issue was not that you didn't have a Twitter account, it was that there were a couple of fields where I set the minimum number of characters to 16 and you did not enter that length of an answer. To help prevent robots from signing up for accounts I set this minimum. I edited your answers - e.g, from "Belgium" to "It was during a trip to Belgium" to check that, in fact this was the problem, and it was. I was also requiring at least 2 characters for a Twitter account which meant that people without an account (or who didn't want to share) would not be allowed to sign up/update. Thanks for pointing this out to me so I could get it fixed. Done and done.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 18:12:05
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Susan Bryde:
Twitter, Facebook, etc. are listed as optional but I cannot submit other changes without an entry in those fields. I do not participate in those sites so do not have any data to enter. Please do not require info for those sites.

Susan -

When creating the fields I thought I did make them optional on both the create account and update account forms. I will go and check them to make sure. Thank you for letting me know.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 10:10:43
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Ben Rasmussen:
And thanks for looking into the search funtionality. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Ben -

I have added the "body" field of Group Discussions to the site-wide search field. It's going to take some time to index every discussion but give it a few hours and you will be able to search the text of all Group Discussions, not just the title.

The foil post was there, it was just the 11th of 11 posts. So you needed to click through to Browse All Results then go to the 3rd page of results. I am looking into where to change the pagination of the search results so that the first 10 posts are displayed (in each category) not four, and that 10 are displayed on each of the next pages.

And I know the title of the page is "Home" which I find confusing. I have alerted the developers.

As for doing anything to help ... you are. I have only two eyes and limited bandwidth to do all the testing that needs to get done. By pointing things out to me that you think don't make sense I can focus on getting them fixed.

updated by @Clay Gordon: 01/28/15 10:14:43
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:25:45
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Ben Rasmussen:
Just noticed an issue with the search function. It appears that it only searches titles for group discussions, and the first post for forum discussions. 

Ben -

I have noticed this, too. I believe I can add the body of the group discussions into the global search capability pretty easily. As for the number of Forum results displayed - that's an issue I have brought up with the developers in another context and so finding a solution is already underway.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:23:24
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Ben Rasmussen:
Thanks Clay. I think the search results look a little weird since they're inconsistent between the forum results (with detail) and the group results (without detail). My preference would definitely be to have the group results show the same detail as the forum results. It just gives you a little more info to help you decide which link to click. For the group discussion comments, I would definitely prefer them to be oldest to newest. This is how the forum discussions work, so it would be consistent. But I also think it just makes more sense, considering that existing/older discussions on this site are used as a resource for new and existing users. Newest to oldest may work ok if you're actively tracking an ongoing discussion (although, I think oldest-to-newest makes more sense for this, too), but doesn't when referring back to it later or reading a discussion for the first time. In those cases, the user would read the original post at the top, then jump to the last page and scroll to the bottom, and then read a comment, scroll up to the top of the next comment, read down, scroll up, and so on.

Ben -

Changing the sort order is trivial to do and I have already made that change. Let me know if it's working the way you think it should.

As for changing the display of the search results that requires programming. I think it's a very good idea and when I get a few free moments I will work on it. Over the weekend I hope, but not before. Another reason I did not do this is that there have been some issues I've been experiencing with comment sort order with threading enabled - the display order goes wacky for me. I have to work with the developers to clear up those issues as they would not be in my code.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:18:27
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Jonas Ketterle:
Hey Clay, Just noticed that I need to upload both a profile and an account photo. Didn't realize these were different things until the default image kept showing up even after updating my profile. You may not need to change this ... just a point of minor confusion.

Jonas - it may be a source of confusion but there is a good functional reason that this is so. Jamroom was set up originally for bands. Bands have many members, and members can belong to more than one band - and in particular a manager could manage multiple bands. Jamroom is set up to handle this. In the coming weeks I plan to offer this up to ChocolateLife members who are companies with two or more employees who are ChocolateLife members.

One member can create two profiles for their account, a personal profile and a company profile. I can then link other member accounts to the company profile. People can post to their personal profiles AND to the company profile. It's pretty cool. There are other features, such as groups and pages attached to profiles and profile customization tweaks, so that a company could credibly host the community component of their web presence on TheChocolateLife instead of (or in addition to) Facebook (and social sharing via TheChocolateLife is arguably easier. Furthermore, by implementing something called domain mapping, the company profile on TheChocolatelife could become an actual part of the company's web presence at a url something like community.mydomain.tld.

IN THE MEANTIME ... you can take advantage of the fact that there are separate account and profile names.

Account Name: Jonas Ketterle
Profile Name: Firefly Chocolate

In this way in posts and comments the link to you would read:

Jonas Ketterle - @firefly-chocolate (with the @firefly-chocolate linking to your profile).

And, of course if you wanted to, you could reverse these and the links would say:

Firefly Chocolate - @jonas-ketterle
updated by @Clay Gordon: 06/29/23 16:55:17
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/27/15 20:23:29
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Ben -

Having the name of the discussion without the detail makes a lot more sense when there are two or more search results.

The comments are being displayed in Newest to Oldest order. Do you want them in Oldest to Newest so that it's easier to follow the conversation? The page picker at the bottom makes it easy to jump to the last page.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/27/15 15:32:46
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs


When I click on Search in the top nav and enter " Shared Journey " as the search term I get the following page:

I see the Shared Journey discussion - as well as a forum topic that rererences the discussion. You see something different?


Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/27/15 15:25:50
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Hi Clay, On I am unable to post a classified. Is the functionality just not done yet?  I press submit listing and nothing happends. Thanks!

Michael, the site is not completely set up yet - I still have a couple of days until the end of the month!. However, I can tell you that it's more than a single-step process and your login does not carry over. All Classifieds now have to fit within a listing package. When you click on submit listing you need to select a package (if you don't already have an account you will be asked to create one).

WANTED listings (either wanted to buy or jobs) are still free. SELL listings are either $5 (30 days) or $10 (60 days) each.

One of the issues with the classifieds on the old site is that they never aged off. No-one ever deleted them and it was a huge administrative burden for me to do it because I had no way of knowing if the classified was still active or not. In thinking about the problem I decided to set up a site with software that could handle classifieds where the listings could age off (disappear) after a certain length of time. There are increased cost for running two different sites and I had to do something to cover those additional costs.
updated by @Clay Gordon: 01/27/15 15:26:46
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/27/15 15:19:01
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Ben Rasmussen:
Thanks for looking into this Clay. (snip) But the issue is much more apparent on a thread with more comments, like this one:

What is the date on the first comment displayed for you? For me it's 12/01/2014 - posted by me. I will look into the search thing.


Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/27/15 11:48:35
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Ben -

The answer is I think yes on all these questions. I have been working on the sort order of comments specifically. Some things are set globally and there are some new features that were just added that changed the way some things worked. For the group discussions could you post the URL of a page where the sort order is wrong?

The "best" way to handle the comment update is for adding a comment to by synonymous with updating the original post, which are now different things. That's being worked on by the developers.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/27/15 08:45:07
1,680 posts

Praline fillings

Posted in: Recipes

david smith:
I know you are happy with your recipe, but Peter Greweling has a wonderful version that uses fresh mint.

David - is this recipe in Peter's book?

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/27/15 08:40:44
1,680 posts

Air Agitation Conche

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Ian -

I can make your life a little easier, maybe, experimenting with Option 1. Put the chocolate you want to conche into a stand mixer. Get one of those new scraper paddle blades that scrape the entire bowl. Use a hair dryer for the hot air source. This is going to be a lot easier than the drill method you're suggesting.

Option 2 is a non-starter for lots of different reasons.

There are two processes during conching. One affects texture and the other flavor. To affect texture you need shear force that will break of small clumps of particles and coat every particle with cocoa butter. You won't get that with an air bubbler. The part that affects flavor is about evaporating volatile aromatics you don't want (mainly acetic acid) out of the chocolate. This can be done by blowing hot air across the chocolate and stirring the chocolate to make sure that all surfaces are exposed to the air blowing over it.

If you wanted to experiment with making a small home conche, I would suggest that playing with stirrer/scraper designs that were more effective and efficient would be the way to go. You could also experiment using a dough hook. The reason why no-one has created a small home conche on the scale of the small table-top grinders is that the market is too small.


Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/26/15 14:17:41
1,680 posts

I'm in the market for a smallish enrobing line

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Hi Clay, I would be interested in looking at a catalog and price list. I should mention that I'm hoping to have the shop open in October, so I'm not in a great hurry to buy a machine. I'm also on a bit of a budget and might have to start with a cheaper, used unit to get up and running until I can afford a nice unit.

Paul - I will get you info and we can take a look at your needs over the next few months.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/26/15 14:16:51
1,680 posts

I'm in the market for a smallish enrobing line

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Dave Hoselton:
I do believe that the increased mass of a larger bowl helps to keep bowl temp at the target, especially as less chocolate is typically added to top off. I realize other factors are also in play ... (( snipped ))

Dave, you are right. There are other factors at play. One of them is the shape of the working bowl. The bowls on FBM machines are narrow and deep, whereas others tend to be wide and shallow. This bowl shape makes it easier to melt crystals out of the chocolate while reducing heat loss and energy consumption.

You are right when you say that the machines are more efficient when you keep the working bowls full, but that's a matter of organizing work and scheduling production.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/26/15 12:48:20
1,680 posts

Can't Access Your Account?

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

I am still working on it. I will let you know when it is fixed - if I fix it for one person I fix it for everyone. Need to get the attention of the developers.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/26/15 11:27:10
1,680 posts

A chocolate blogger on Bainbridge Island, near Seattle

Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Sarah -

I am excited, too. I am also excited to find out what members like you are going to do with it. TheChocolateLife is a platform for anyone and everyone interested in chocolate ... it's not (just) about me.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/25/15 20:44:30
1,680 posts

Just A Chocolate Lover From California

Posted in: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

G -

I see that you have created a blog post already, however the body of the blog is empty, but you have added a comment.

I would go back and edit the blog (click on the gear icon) and write in the body of the post why you are moved to create the blog. At least a paragraph or two - 100 words or more. You're starting to tell a story here and you want to let us know why we want to enjoy your California Dreaming of Chocolate.

Then - as you are motivated to add things to the blog, you add them as comments rather than updating the main post. The things you add can be written but they can also be photos or a combination of the two.

I also noticed that your blog is in the "default" category. While you are adding text you can add a category for the post to belong to. As it's kind of a diary, it could be "Chocolate Diary" or it could be "Musings" or whatever strikes your fancy. Default is not very poetic and I don't think that it captures what you are trying to do.

updated by @Clay Gordon: 01/28/15 05:26:29
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/25/15 20:13:06
1,680 posts

Bug reports

Posted in: FORUM FAQs

Piotr -

You are the second person to point this out to me. Let me ask the developers what is going on. Thanks for posting the screen shot. I will get back to you ASAP. I will set the quota to something usable in the meantime.

Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/25/15 18:46:46
1,680 posts

I'm in the market for a smallish enrobing line

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Paul -

As you may know, I represent FBM machines here in the US and to ChocolateLife members around the world and ChocolateLife members are entitled to a 10% discount. [THIS DISCOUNT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE.] Most FBM 220V machines can be purchased in either single- or three-phase. Smaller machines can be run off 120V with a step-up transformer and there are step-up transformers we recommend. While you can use phase converters to turn single- to three-phase, because of the reactive load (compressors cycling on and off) you can't use static phase converters. Rotary or the much more expensive digital option.

That out of the way ...

One of the misconceptions out there is that throughput, when it comes to an enrober belt on a continuous tempering machine, is dependent on working bowl capacity. It's not.

Time to do some math.

Let's say you want to enrobe 250 pieces an hour. If each piece has 10 grams of chocolate on it, then you only need to temper about 2.5 kilos of chocolate per hour. You should not have to purchase a tempering machine with a 25 kilo working bowl just to be able to kit it out with an enrober belt. (The general rule of thumb for continuous tempering machines is that they will temper about 3x the capacity of the working bowl per hour. So if you need ~100 kilos of chocolate per day and are actually working 4-5 hours per day, a continuous tempering machine with a working bowl capacity of between 7-12 kilos will do the trick. Of course, if you are doing molded work and bars as well, you may need a larger tempering machine.

Let's get back to that 250 pieces per hour. That's only about four pieces per minute which is trivial for a 150-200 mm-wide belt. The real gating factors on throughput are how the pieces are going to be decorated. If you are going to be putting transfers on or hand decorating, a single operator should easily be able to do 250 pieces an hour, even if the work is not well organized. As you need to increase your throughput, organization becomes more and more important - how the work is organized before it goes on the belt, how it is handled to decorate it, and what happens after it gets decorated.

Maximum throughput is going to depend on the sizes of the pieces. If you are doing, say 40 mm-square pieces, then you can comfortably get three across a 180 mm-wide belt with lots of room between them. As the operator becomes familiar with the operation of the belt, they might be able to get four across. Keeping in mind spacing, I would estimate that an organized operator could get 10-12 rows of three pieces in the length of a sheet pan. You'd run those pieces through, take the pieces off, decorate, and then start the process over again. That's with one operator. If you have two you can have one put the pieces on and another take them off. So, ultimately, throughput is dependent on the number of people operating the line.In order to know what size belt and tempering machine is right for your production situation, it's important to know how many (number of pieces) of what kinds of work you plan to produce, on average, and during peak production seasons. From there it's possible to size the machine that will fit your requirements.Hope this is helpful. If you have any more questions about tempering machines and enrober belts I will be happy to answer them. If you are interested in getting catalog pages and pricing, please let me know and I will send them to you via email.

updated by @Clay Gordon: 12/28/16 11:43:55
Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
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Clay Gordon
@Clay Gordon
01/25/15 10:34:24
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Peter -

Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot. The new Admin tools here will make it easier for me to know what's going on and keep in touch. And there are lots of new capabilities to add over the coming weeks ... I am excited about the possibilities.
