Domori- are they bean to bar?
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Tasting Notes
It surely was never my intention to stir up any controversy or to impugn a fine company like Domori. In a neutral way I was just trying to get the facts straight.After a little more research, I'm pretty sure that Ms. Doutre-Roussell was mistaken, and she should have been more careful about making spurious comments. Keep in mind that the quote was from 2005 anyway, but I guess once something gets in print then onto the internet it can be hard to reign back.As Gwen pointed out, the first mistake was to pass on hearsay from a competitor of Domori.After looking at Domori's site, I think that the following statements are pretty clear that Domori
IS a bean-to-bar maker. That makes total sense given the excellence of their products. (The phrases in brown underlined are hyperlinks to the source.)
Concerning Production : Domori finds it essential to be involved in all processes from the bean to the bar. Domori has been a pioneer in the world of chocolate since 1994, distinguishing itself by
meticulously following the complete cycle of the cacao bean from the plantation to the factory for use in its fine chocolates. Since its creation, Domori has grafted valuable cacao clones and renewed heirloom cacao varietals at the plantations it oversees. Domori has studied new aromatic hybrids, optimized fermentation techniques and successfully achieved a low impact transformation of the cacao bean in the state-of-the art factory completed in 2003.
Under FAQs : Why are the couvertures so difficult to work with?We transform cacao varietials into couvertures in favor of the organoleptic traits and this can result in a higher percentage of humidity due to the mild roasting.
Why does Domori conch for less than 12 hours? Over the past twenty years technological innovation has allowed to dramatically reduce the
beans conching cycle duration. Therefore time is related to the means.
Finally, concerning Traceability Traceability of the raw materials is very simple since
both cacao and sugar arrive directly at the factory .So Domori is clearly a bean-to-bar maker. We can all breathe a sigh of relief, and be glad that they are so open about their processes.Case closed?