Forum Activity for @Akua Obenewaa Donkor

Akua Obenewaa Donkor
@Akua Obenewaa Donkor
08/03/15 20:12:33
5 posts

Selmi One tempering machine for sale

Posted in: Classifieds F/S or Wanted

Please can you send me the price  Thank you 

Akua Obenewaa Donkor
@Akua Obenewaa Donkor
09/05/13 14:05:21
5 posts

Pottasium Sorbate or Sorbitol

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Thanks Gap, i will get the book.

Akua Obenewaa Donkor
@Akua Obenewaa Donkor
09/03/13 05:58:41
5 posts

Pottasium Sorbate or Sorbitol

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

hi, my name is Akua and i make handmade chocolates in Ghana. I would be grateful if anyone could help me with a question. I want to extend the shelf life of my handmade chocolates so i am looking for the right preservative. I usually use ganache, caramel and nougat as my filling. I have have heard of sorbitol and potassium sorbate. Please which one is the best? Is the any other preservative apart from the above? Any what quantity do i have to use?

Thank you.

updated by @Akua Obenewaa Donkor: 04/16/15 07:15:02
Akua Obenewaa Donkor
@Akua Obenewaa Donkor
12/19/12 11:55:13
5 posts

Hand made chocolate lifespan

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Hi, I live in Ghana and just finished a handmade chocolate course in november. A company saw my products on Facebook and want to order some from me. But i realized there are some issues i have to deal with before i take the order.

The company want is in USA so it makes the distance quite far. please i would like the following questions to be answered for me.

1. What is the best packaging to use for my handmade chocolates to export them?

2. How can these handmade chocolates last longer in the shops in USA?

3. I usually use ganache and other recipes i make from my local spices, is it safe for export?

updated by @Akua Obenewaa Donkor: 04/09/15 23:37:55
Akua Obenewaa Donkor
@Akua Obenewaa Donkor
04/25/13 13:12:10
5 posts

Chocolate Artist Software/Printer

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Please can anyone help me where i can buy only the software in the United States? I already have an edible printer