Hanna Frederick

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Mamor pyramid_red
30piece red Mamor Chocolate box
Mamor logo_ The spirit of passion
Mixed Mamor truffles



Laura Marion
03/09/12 05:45:14 @laura-marion:

hi hanna we met at the taste of melbourne show do you remember me ?

Robert Frederick  Rankin
10/17/10 20:07:26 @robert-frederick-rankin:
Thanks Hanna. I'll try the ganache too and see how it goes just dipping it into the chocolate. Looks easy when you read about it! I'll let you know how it goes in a couple of weeks hopefully - Bob Rankin
Robert Frederick  Rankin
10/17/10 19:23:59 @robert-frederick-rankin:
Hi Hanna. I'm a mature age too -almost 85 but still keen to try sxomething new, Expecting my Santha to arrive from India next week and have been roasting beans and expelling cocoa butter for a couple of months waiting to get into production. I've also built up a good stock of passionfruit liqueur for filling. I was going to follow recipe instructions in Peter Greweling's wonderful book "Chocolate & Confectionary". I've been making tropical fruit wines & liqueurs for years. (plus my own home brew). Any hints you can give me would be very welcome. I've already had some great help from fellow member Tom Avery in Adelaide. All the best - Bob Rankin