07/29/09 21:29:17 @arnold-ismach:
HANS: I must confess that I'm an enemy of milk chocolate, and believethat white chocolate is a fraud, since it doesn't have any cacao in it,except for cocoa butter. But if you're addicted to it, that's your problem.--Arnold Ismach (aismach@uoregon.edu)
03/15/09 14:22:10 @sarah-gross:
oh go and buy it next time! I am not apprenticing to become a chocolatier, though a flavor I just created, fleur de sel, is coming out in a week! At Gnosis I do a variety of things. Computer and kitchen
03/06/09 12:46:46 @sarah-gross:
oh, that ought to be fixed quickly! I love those reviews..Jembrana sounds intriguing. I still haven't tried Taza. Definitely that (Cluizel) has to be the top Sao Tome!
03/06/09 05:03:08 @sarah-gross:
Hans, you've got to review Cluizel's Vila Gracinda on SeventyPercent, only Alex has a review up and its the site's number 2 bar! I just had it this morning. omg...
03/04/09 04:37:01 @sarah-gross:
That would be great! I subscribed to The Nibble a couple of months ago, it's scrumptious to read
03/03/09 16:19:06 @sarah-gross:
Hello! Yes, Gnosis is only about a year old. If you want to try it, here are the retailers
an avid reader of your seventypercent.com reviews!
06/16/08 10:25:36 @arnold-ismach:
HANS: You make a good point. If you don't eat much, itwon't hurt you. But just an ounce or two of pure dark, it will be a plus for your heart and blood vessels.--Arnold
06/15/08 10:05:09 @masur:
Hello, fancy meeting you here. Nice webiste but I'm mainly an observer.
06/13/08 17:41:12 @arnold-ismach:
HANS: The reason I knocked milk chocolate and whitechocolate is that they aren't healthy for you, like dark is.Milk chocolate is laden with butterfat as well as sugar.White chocolate has no cacao in it, just cocoa butter. Andsome white chocolate today doesn't even contain cocoabutter, the good fat.I've developed a taste for dark chocolate, and now use70 percent or more cacao to nibble on, or for cooking.--Arnold Ismach, in Eugene
06/12/08 22:23:10 @arnold-ismach:
Hans-Peter: I'm pleased to be added to your friends list.If we ever get together, though, I'll have to question youabout your apparent acceptance of milk chocolate andeven white chocolate (which has no chocolate in it).I'm in Eugene, and my e-mail address is below:aismach@uoregon.edu--Arnold Ismach
HANS: I must confess that I'm an enemy of milk chocolate, and believethat white chocolate is a fraud, since it doesn't have any cacao in it,except for cocoa butter. But if you're addicted to it, that's your problem.--Arnold Ismach (aismach@uoregon.edu)
oh go and buy it next time! I am not apprenticing to become a chocolatier, though a flavor I just created, fleur de sel, is coming out in a week! At Gnosis I do a variety of things. Computer and kitchen
oh, that ought to be fixed quickly! I love those reviews..Jembrana sounds intriguing. I still haven't tried Taza. Definitely that (Cluizel) has to be the top Sao Tome!
Hans, you've got to review Cluizel's Vila Gracinda on SeventyPercent, only Alex has a review up and its the site's number 2 bar! I just had it this morning. omg...
That would be great! I subscribed to The Nibble a couple of months ago, it's scrumptious to read
Hello! Yes, Gnosis is only about a year old. If you want to try it, here are the retailers
Raw Chocolate by Gnosis Chocolate - Page Not Found
HANS: You make a good point. If you don't eat much, itwon't hurt you. But just an ounce or two of pure dark, it will be a plus for your heart and blood vessels.--Arnold
Hello, fancy meeting you here. Nice webiste but I'm mainly an observer.
HANS: The reason I knocked milk chocolate and whitechocolate is that they aren't healthy for you, like dark is.Milk chocolate is laden with butterfat as well as sugar.White chocolate has no cacao in it, just cocoa butter. Andsome white chocolate today doesn't even contain cocoabutter, the good fat.I've developed a taste for dark chocolate, and now use70 percent or more cacao to nibble on, or for cooking.--Arnold Ismach, in Eugene
Hans-Peter: I'm pleased to be added to your friends list.If we ever get together, though, I'll have to question youabout your apparent acceptance of milk chocolate andeven white chocolate (which has no chocolate in it).I'm in Eugene, and my e-mail address is below:aismach@uoregon.edu--Arnold Ismach