Jospeh Grice
Jospeh Grice

Jospeh Grice


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Jospeh Grice

Did I miss something?

I just recieved my bean roaster and...
@Jospeh Grice 15 years ago - Comments: 3

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Susan Van Horn
11/29/10 14:49:48 @susan-van-horn:
I haven't checked in for awhile so, I'm very sorry for not getting back to you. Welcome. You are in for a very fun time if you decide to work with chocolate!
Jospeh Grice
10/26/10 09:59:26 @jospeh-grice:
Hello, I am a chocolate lover and am in the process of self educating myself in regard to chocolate production from start to finish. Any comments, questions and criticism are welcome as well as any kernels of advice you may have to offer...I will have an abundant of questions for many:)