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This past December, one of the villages we visit every year was burned by members of the Ivorian Army, specifically pro-Ouattara forces. Broguhe was pro-Gbagbo during the last election, so this is probably a form of punishment. We (Project Hope and Fairness) are rebuilding the sewing room this week and electrifying it. In any case, Ivory Coast, which supplies 40% of the world's cocoa, is slowly rebuilding from a civil war that started in 1993 and flashes on and off.
Tom Neuhaus
Tom Drahos of Windows on the Water and I, Tom Neuhaus, president of Project Hope and Fairness, are doing a Molecular Gastronomy demo at the SLO Botanical Garden in San Luis Obispo, Dec. 16, to benefit Project Hope and Fairness, a non-profit established to help cocoa farmers. Last summer, we donated $4500 of tools to cocoa farmers in Ghana and Cameroon. To learn more about the demo, see and click on the last item in the Events box. To read about last summer's trip, go to .
As President of Project Hope and Fairness, I spent 3 weeks in Ghana and Cameroon this summer and distributed tools to 8 villages using money raised by the NGO. To read about my adventures, please visit .
I spent 10 days in Cameroon, talking to people in government and industry about building a cocoa study center near the town of Ebalowa, the capital of South Cameroon. See the blog for details. Or contact me at:
Tom Neuhaus